"We'll handle it when it happens." Aileen offers a crooked grin. "Besides, I have some medicine for that."

I roll my eyes. "Good to know that you're prepared for my demise."

Aileen laughs. "I got you, Josiah. You may be my partner in crime in school, but in this game I'm the pro here. You can hide behind me."

Despite myself, I smile. I brandish my harp and turn my attention toward the nearest rabbit, which hops in my direction. "Here goes nothing."


A hundred rabbits later, I feel like I'm going to faint.

Level 15 reached!

The only thing keeping me going is seeing my experience bar slowly raise. I gain more mastery over my skills, knowing when to sing, play, dance, or set a trap. I cheer in delight when I successfully trap a rapid rabbit, playing my harp to finish it off while it struggles to get free.

Like I feared, I do get bitten. Twice. Aileen applies some special ointment on my bites, and they heal relatively quickly. I'm surprised at the game's mechanics, how my health slowly diminishes when I'm bitten—like the venom from the monster's saliva is affecting me.

"Let's take a break," I say, halfway to level sixteen.

Aileen, who gained one level since we started, agrees. She wipes sweat from her brow. "I was ready to go for another hour, but since you're tired I guess so."

"Don't be ridiculous," I say. "You look like you're going to faint."

"No I'm... not." Aileen sways slightly. Then she falls against the grass with a thud.

"Aileen!" I run toward her. I didn't know I'd feel this afraid while playing a video game, but my friend looks like she's actually in danger. I rush to her side. Her cheeks are flushed, and she sweats profusely. She looks sick and overheated. Could this game really have that effect on her? She must've been straining herself mentally. Even though her sword and armor aren't real, they must've been weighing her down somehow.

With the rabbits watching me from the long grass, I pick up my friend and lean her against my back. I carry her to Rug's Path, successfully escaping the field of danger and into safety. I set her down on a wooden bench, resting her head against my lap.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

Aileen breathes deeply. "I feel a bit strained, to be honest. I didn't know Starlia could have this effect on me...."

"It's the cursed VRS," I say. "It's like spending too much time in virtual class and almost fainting from all the stimuli."

"I guess I should log off now," Aileen says. "I'll train with you tomorrow. After class. See you then?"

"Get some rest," I say. "See you tomorrow."

Aileen disappears.

Now that she's gone, I have time to analyze my own exhaustion. It feels like I've run two miles. My breath comes out shaky, and I feel the oxygen deprivation coming on. I don't feel like logging off just yet. But I need to find somewhere safe, somewhere I can just relax without having to worry about monsters creeping up from behind me.

I enter the inn. The place looks like a proper tavern from the inside. An NPC serves drinks and food, and booths line the perimeter. A staircase leads up to the rooms. I smell beer and other sweet, sparkling drinks. At the front, I pay the bartender the fee for a soda. I get a place near the window.

Right after my drink is served, I catch the eye of a group drinking beers and eating fried potatoes. "Hey look, it's a Mysteriously minion."

Hi player! Maybe we don't have the VRS yet in this world, but have you ever gone too far while playing a game? I remember when I used to play League, my fingers would ache from clicking so much on my mouse! I was definitely an addict

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Hi player! Maybe we don't have the VRS yet in this world, but have you ever gone too far while playing a game? I remember when I used to play League, my fingers would ache from clicking so much on my mouse! I was definitely an addict. And then there's the subject of gacha games... they can really take over your time and wallet, but fortunately for me I didn't spend so much money on them.

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