32. ᴀᴠᴀᴅᴀ ᴋᴇᴅᴀᴠʀᴀ

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hehe im having so much fun catching up on your comments and thank you thank you so much for all the "you're gonna do great" comments way back when in chapter twenty-something!!

but oh my god okay so they actually had us trapped in the csat building from 8am to 6pm so like that was stupid painful in itself-

but this year they made the tests so hard that reports have come out claiming there's not gonna be a single person out of 450,000 students who got a perfect score not A SINGLE ONE

so there are two ways you can use your csat scores to get into college, you can either just use the score numbers themselves,

or you can use the score grades to fill the requirements that allow you to take ANOTHER test, one that's specific to the college you wanna get into;

i took the test for the college of my choice today, results are coming out on December 15th so to celebrate my freedom for the first time in a year(that's a whole year spent ALONE), i'm gonna be updating this book every other day!! (probably)

and then once the results come out, depending on whether i got in or not, i'm either gonna be updating every SINGLE day or... Radio silence for a century 🥲

(i'm so kidding; if i go radio silent then how are you guys gonna be able to anguish in the ✨️toxicity✨️ i bring into Mattheo later on? 😝😝)

REGARDLESS, i wanna get into this dream school of mine and by getting the required csat grades im already halfway there, so here's to hoping 🥂🥴


"How did you know?" Mattheo says calmly. "How did you know I was here?"

"The Dark Mark," Dumbledore replies. "I may be an old man, but my memories are as sharp as they ever were... That is not his Mark."

I look up at the sky again, confused. I've got no idea what Dumbledore's talking about. That thing is clearly a skull with a serpent coming out of its mouth...

Not a serpent, I realize. Serpents, plural. Instead of one giant snake forming knots around the skull it's coming out of, there are two of them. Two twin snakes coiling around each other like a caduceus, their fangs bared at the glimmering stars surrounding them.

"I happen to know, Mattheo, that you are not a killer, either," Dumbledore tells him. "And if Minerva is to be believed- Which she is, I assure you, for she has been by my side for longer than your father has been alive- You are perhaps even more open-minded than Draco here. You grew up with your father's name, and yet the two of you could not be any more different..."

I wonder if Dumbledore actually believes that, or if he's just stalling for time. He seemed genuine enough when talking to Draco, but being the wise person that he is, I'm not sure I trust that Dumbledore is truly willing to offer the same choices to Mattheo as he is to my brother.

"How do you know?" Mattheo speaks softly. "You don't know what I'm capable of... You don't know what I've done..."

The exact words that Draco spoke before, but coming from Mattheo, they're not the desperate pleas of a child crying for help. They sound lethal, explicitly venomous on his tongue.

"It matters not what someone is born," Dumbledore murmurs, "But what they grow to be. You don't have to follow in his footsteps, Mattheo... There is always another choice."

LUNACY ll Mattheo Riddle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now