6. Qᴜɪᴅᴅɪᴛᴄʜ ᴛʀʏᴏᴜᴛꜱ

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 The dates for Quidditch tryouts are up on the notice board the next day- Slytherins get the pitch first, meaning trials are going to be held this very week. I end up flying around the pitch with Harry and Ron in the hours after school, Ron on his Cleansweep, me on my Nimbus 2001, and Harry on his Firebolt- Though I manage to earn a ride on the Firebolt after winning a bet to see which of us could get the most Quaffles past Ron.

"You're definitely going to make the Slytherin team," Harry shakes his head. "Two Malfoys on the pitch, that'll be just great."

"Very flattering, but my brother's quit, actually," I say, amused.

"He has?" Harry stares, getting all serious. "Why? He loves Quidditch! What could he possibly be doing instead that- Ow!" he winces when Ron elbows him in his side. "Alright, alright- Never mind, Y/n. Sorry."

A very weird conversation, but I don't put much thought into it. Harry is always weird.

Not much drama occurs that week at all- Mattheo got called away for family business on the second day, and everyone knows what that means. He doesn't return until the night before the tryouts, so it's not until I make my way onto the Quidditch pitch the next morning that I see him for the first time since the fire incident.

"Mattheo's on the Quidditch team?" I ask Blaise. "You never told me that!"

"Yes, I did!" he says indignantly, then pauses. "Or... Maybe I didn't."


"I'm sorry! It must have slipped my mind. Oh, I should also probably tell you that he's the-"

"Everyone here for the tryouts, line up! Give me three laps around the pitch!"

I whirl around at the familiar voice, and taste bile in my throat when I realize it really is who I think it is. "You're the captain?" I gawk at Mattheo, dressed up in full Slytherin Quidditch gear.

"Something the matter, Malfoy?" He raises an eyebrow. "Three laps. Go on."

I might as well take my broom and leave now. There's no way in hell I'm being allowed on the team now.

"Actually, I have it on good word from the captain that you'll be making it onto the team with flying colors."

I stare at Mattheo, who appears to have read my mind just now. But that's not possible... Is it?

I kick off from the ground and begin circling the pitch, not wanting to think about what it means that Mattheo actually wants me on his team. After flying around until noon, three new players are added onto the team- A Seeker named Harper, a reserve player named Bulstrode, and me, Slytherin's newest Beater.

"What game are you playing at?" I snap, the moment Mattheo announces the results. As everyone else busy themselves with looking appalled, Mattheo merely gives her another one of his sweet smiles. "Is there a problem, Y/n? I thought you wanted to get on the team."

"Like you'd even let me on if you weren't planning something terrible."

"I happen to think you're a good flier. Besides, you need to get those anger issues of yours sorted out somehow, don't you? Swinging bats around seems like a much healthier way of expressing your feelings than setting fellow students on fire- Which reminds me, I think I'll be taking up a complaint with Snape."

"You used an Unforgivable on me, in case you've forgotten," I lower my voice.

"And you think he'll take your word over mine?" Mattheo sneers. "You think anyone will? It doesn't matter whether what I say are truths or lies. As I keep reminding you, love, I can get away with just about anything nowadays- A luxury that you can't afford anymore."

I let him walk away because he's right, of course he is. That doesn't mean I have to like it- So when his back is turned, I send a jinx his way- A small one, nothing special- That has him tripping over his feet just as he's marching away.

"You sure you're qualified to be captain, Riddle? If you're this uncoordinated on the ground, however will you manage anything up there?" And I skip away happily, humming to myself, not daring to let my thoughts linger over just what the hell I've gotten myself into this time.

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