"You can't tell anyone," She whispers to him, "I mean it P'Som if you tell anyone, I will never forgive you." They have always been close siblings, and this threat carries some wait with her brother. He nods, still in shock over the news.

Neither of them noticed the girl behind them, a classmate of P'Phayu's named Nim. She had only been half listening to their conversation until P'Phayu's name had been brought up. Nim loves gossip, and P'Phayu is always a hot topic.

Rain stops frown in confusion at the group of people gathered outside his classroom. They are all whispering and giggling.

As he pushes past them, someone stage whispers, "I guess we know what P'Phayu likes about him now."

Rain freezes, feeling his blood going cold. Surely he hadn't heard the person right.

As the day goes on, he can no longer deny it. The nasty whispers follow him everywhere. <i>easy, alpha chaser, will drop out of school now that he has what he wants, not good enough, knot greedy omega</i> and much worse.

Some of these people he thought were his friends. How can they be so vicious? Only Sig, Por, and Ple are silent. Ple looks pale and miserable.

By the time lunch time rolls around, Rain is almost in tears. He tells P'Phayu he isn't feeling well and wants to go home. They were taking tomorrow off anyway, and Friday is a holiday. They are visiting P'Phayu's parents. While Rain had been nervous before now, he is almost sick with the thought. What if they think the same as his classmates?

His mama takes one look at Rain and says, "What's wrong, Raindrop." She looks suspiciously at P'Phayu, "Did you two fight?"

Rain sighs, "No, Mama."

"Something is wrong, though," P'Phayu says, "You look almost ready to cry. Tell me what's wrong, please." He scrunches his nose and makes the cute face that Rain can never resist. Rain wonders how the alpha always manages to make him feel better.

"I guess they found out about the baby somehow at the university and they.." now Rain does cry remembering the vicious comments.

"They said awful things," Mama says, hugging him. "I am sorry, Raindrop. I guess not much has changed in twenty years. People will always talk, it can't be helped." That's right, mama would have gone through the same things, Rain thinks sadly.

"I will just pass on the wise words your grandfather told me." Mama pauses dramatically and say, "Fuck them."

"Mama!" Rain says, shocked. Even P'Phayu lets out a snort.

"I am not even kidding, fuck them. They aren't your friends with that attitude and they don't deserve to be." Mama strokes his hair back from his face. "Oh, Raindrop, I promise you it's just one bad day. There might be more like it, but there will be good days as well. Don't let others kill your happiness."

She turns to P'Phayu and says, "Why don't you take Rain up to have a nap, he will take comfort from your scent. I will make us all dinner. Don't forget you have a long trip tomorrow."

Rain has made his bed into a nest to give himself comfort for those few days he has to sleep at home without his alpha. He and P'Phayu crawl in now and the alpha holds him tight letting his scent wash over Rain. It is comforting.

"Will your parents really like me?" Rain asks. He has asked before, but after today he needs to be reassured.

"Sweet boy, they will love you." P'Phayu says.

"They won't be mad about the baby?" Rain asks.

"If I know my parents, and I do, they will be thrilled." P'Phayu says.

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