I sigh and think what to say. I see Margot come into the frame and I can feel the anger rise in me.

Margot: Why don't you come home? She needs her dad here too.
Me: I don't think so she's gonna have to get used to us not living in the same house eventually.
Margot: I know but I think she needs you here and we can talk to her together about what's happening.
Me: Alright...fine.
Margot: Did you go and see her?
Me: No Margot you don't get to ask that. Let me say good night our daughter.

She walks back into her room and hands Spencer back into the room. I say good night to my beautiful little girl and she tells me she loves me. After I hang up I see that MK texted me.

MK: How'd it go?
Me: Just as I expected. I hurt her and she kicked me out.

She doesn't respond right away so I brush my teeth and strip down to my boxers to crawl into bed.

MK: She didn't answer mine or Ashley's phone call. I will fix this Easton, you deserve your happy ending with her.
Me: I won't hold my breath but thanks. I'm going to bed early flight tomorrow so I can be back to practice tomorrow afternoon. Night.


It's been a week both Ashley and I tried to call Lizzie but she isn't answer either of us. I decided to take the jet out to LA. The driver pulls up to her house I get out and I ask him to wait as I don't know if she'll let me stay.

I ring the doorbell and wait for her to answer the door. When she opens the door she looks at me with anger in her eyes and I instantly feel horrible. She moves to close the door in my face, but I put my hand out to prevent it from closing. "Wait Lizzie! Please let's talk?" I plead and she sighs but leaves me with the door open.

I walk in and close the door behind me. I follow her to the kitchen as she's getting breakfast for herself.

"Lizzie let me ex-"
"No! I don't want to hear it MK! You slept with him!" Lizzie yells at me and I nod, "It just happened Lizzie and after the first time we didn't do it for awhile. We pretended it didn't happen but then it did. Besides you and him were broken up for years. You were engaged to Boyd. It was just sex and I know he didn't have any feelings for me because I could see how much he hated himself after."

"Really?" She whispered and I nod, "Yes and I know I shouldn't have done it. It happened but it's done and he loves you. So please just consider forgiving him, I know he never stopped loving you. Even with Margot, he may have thought he stopped but he didn't."

She just stares at me for a minute letting my words sink in. I see the gears turning and the she takes a deep breath. "He really is your best friend."

"Yes but you're my little sister. All I want for you is to be happy and you are happiest with Easton." I say and I see she has tears in her eyes as she nods.

I walk around to her side and pull her into a hug. She holds me tight while she cries. "Is it really over between him and Margot?" She asks pulling away and I nod, "Yes he's done with her."

Easton's POV

I've been back at my mom's since we had a conversation with Spencer about Margot and I. She took it better than expected accept for when I said I wouldn't be staying with them.


"NO DADDY! I DON'T WANT YOU TO LEAVE!" Spencer yell/cries and I absolutely hated it. She held on to me so tight that Margot can't pull her off of me. I can see the tears in Margot's eyes, and that's when I give up wrapping my arms around Spencer. "Alright sweetheart, I'll stay."

I walk her up to her bedroom and lay in bed with her till she falls asleep. I walk back down stairs hearing Margot in the kitchen I head towards the kitchen. I see her drinking a glass a wine and I see the tears running down her face. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault." She says and I answer, "Well I did kiss Lizzie as well so I'm sure we would've ended up here anyways. We can try again tomorrow maybe before dinner this time. So she's not as tired."

**End of Flashback**

I'm watching a movie that I'm barely paying attention to thinking about Lizzie. I can't stop thinking about her face after telling her about me and MK. I've just been going to practice and seeing Spencer after school when I pick her up. MK hasn't answered me since I told her I was staying with my mom so she didn't show up at the house but then I heard my phone go off.

MK: Open the door.
Me: Why?
MK: Just do it.

I get up and head towards the door unlocking the door. Once I open the door not expecting to see her there, "Hi."
"Green eyes.." That's all I say before she drops her bag and pulls me down in an urgent kiss.

After All This TimeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin