104th Regiment

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You must return! If you want to save Armin and Mikasa you must-

He opened his eyes, realizing he was still in bed despite the fact that the sun was already rising over the mountains.

Eren forgot the nightmare immediately and sprang up, panicking at the mere thought that he had somehow stayed asleep in spite of the officer's call to wake up for the day's training, the wrath of commandant Shadis being a far more pressing concern than some enigmatic words from his missing father.

Then he realized that he was the only one awake.

What the-?

He looked around the barracks through his cabin's window, utterly confused a t the emptiness of the training fields beyond. A light mist rolled over the field, the ground still humid with the morning doe, but he was used to seeing that since he was usually awake by that point, already training.

But no one was up, as evidenced by the light breathing of the sleeping cadets.

He considered waking up some of them, they had gotten plent of free time the previous day, so to have it occur twice in a row was... impossible.

Also, detrimental to our training...

He stepped outside, only to realize the area was entirely devoid of humans. Like they had all vanished somewhere.

It was like the world around him had died...

A few birds sang in the trees by a hill not too far away, reminding him that he had, in fact, overslept. Had the commandant simply been in a good mood that day and let them sleep in?

He didn't feel like sleeping in.

He made his way to the mess hall, hoping to find more cadets, but to his mild disappointment, it was empty.

No, not empty, a hefty breakfast of porridge had been placed for anyone to help themselves to. Which meant the cooks had been there... but weren't here anymore.

The door then opened behind him.

He hoped it would be an officer who could explain to him why the trainee camp appeared deserted, but once again he was disappointed.

"Eren. Did you sleep well?" Mikasa, in her usual stoic self, greeted as she moved past him.

What are you, my mother?

He pushed the painful memory aside and said "Yeah, I slept fine, but where the hell are the officers? I thought we would get some seriously grueling training today after getting the day off yesterday... or at least something."

Has anyone actually seen the officers since we got back?

The dark-haired girl stopped, seemingly considering things.

"Is everyone else still in your dorm?" she asked.

"Yeah, that I could tell, at least. The officers are the only ones gone. Kind of creepy actually..."

"They could be in a meeting. Most of our training is done by now, so maybe they're discussing other matters."

Eren wanted to argue that point further, but the door almost slammed open and a frustrated entity stormed in.

She did not acknowledge the other two humans in the mess hall and moved angrily towards the large pot filled with warm porridge.

She angrily grabbed a plate, dumped a single spoonful onto it, sat down right there on the floor, and started eating.

"What's wrong, Sasha?" Mikasa asked calmly.

Very few souls in the 104th trainee regiment dared interrupt the usually cheerful girl when she ate, but that number dropped significantly if she was irritated. The signs were all there, she was huffing, puffing, her cheeks were red, but not from running, and the way she angrily stuffed her mouth with spoons of porridge was evidence none could dismiss.

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