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Oluo covered his eyes from the rising sun as he stared at the gate, where several huge trucks carried the metallic birds out of the dark opening.

"I thought they would be a little scarier than that..." he mumbled to the chestnut-haired girl.

"Hmm, they may not look scary, but these aircraft are very dangerous on the battlefield," Andro said


"Yes. They look less scary than the Dragon, Aiwha, Griffin, Winged Lion, etc. But these planes are much more powerful. After these aircraft were inducted into the Air Force, the Air Force stopped using the Flying Beasts in combat. Because these planes are much more powerful than flying beasts in battle. They are also faster than you might imagine." Mark said

"You have flying beasts in your world?"

"Yes. But they are not like the Titans. "

"Ahh. Interesting!"


"Well... you showed him..." Andro called from his post atop the vehicle, watching over the field ahead of them.

E46, AF2, and Albert 098 tanks sat there in the distance, silently waiting for the enemy to crawl or walk up from the horizon. Not too far behind them, the other soldiers from the so-called Survey Corps were wondering around, the ones that had kept watch alongside the tanks the previous night were now switching with others who had been allowed to sleep.

"Think we'll get sent to help in the sealing of the wall?" Dave asked, tearing open an MRE.

"Uh-" Mark began only to get cut off.

"General Con says the soldiers are going, along with most of the Survey Corps veterans, but I have to stay here."

"Well, yeah... I don't know what we could do. The choppers are going to get filled to the brim with personnel and supplies, And even if we packed the NMK7, they're taking the Alordens and DOVA 4. I doubt they'll be lacking in firepower." Mark pointed out.

"Still... I waited so long for this moment, but now I have to sit back while the commander and the rest of the soldiers accomplish the big mission."

"Hey, don't worry about that. Pretty sure the second the hole gets plugged we'll have to be put on stuff like titan hunts and clean-up duties, so you'll still have plenty of time to do good." Dave said.

The radio cracked to life.

"Contact, contact, we have hostiles at a thousand meters, northeast, coming up on the hills."

"Whoop, time to stand by until one gets into range, which they probably won't..." Dave exclaimed, grabbing a pair of binoculars just as the tanks opened up.

"Ha-ha, don't jinx us," Mark muttered as he grabbed his carbine.




Mike Zacharias was a man of few words.

Loyal to the point of being compared to a dog, he was more than happy to take charge of the remainder of the corps whilst Erwin took a large contingency of scouts to investigate the sight an excited Hanji and concerned-looking Captain Levi had mentioned seeing.

That had been almost twelve hours earlier.

The expedition was supposed to head back to the walls on the second day, but after receiving a messenger confirming that someone else was out there, and said someone was going to help them seal the wall before the end of the week, well… what was he supposed to say?

Sorcerous empire in the Attack on Titan worldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora