Meeting with the King

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Rodd paced impatiently from one side of the royal hall to the next, his advisors watching nervously.

"Your majesty, they will be here soon, you should-"

"I want to see what Kenny has to report before I make any decisions, gentlemen." the true king replied, unaware of how much like a growl his voice had come off as.

The men fell silent, as the main door opened up and a very calm Kenny Ackerman walked into the hall.

"What happened?" Rodd asked nervously.

"Bah, the idiots were more than glad to be relieved, and the strange men in black had kept their cool for the most part. Seeing them, I think they are human. But I didn't see their face. Because they wear masks."

Rodd sighed, more than a little relieved himself given the fact that he had avoided a major catastrophe should his soldiers have attacked these strange men, but still, he couldn't allow them to disrupt the perfect peace his lineage had created, so with a quick breath, he spoke up.

"You will ask a few questions other than how they got here and what they plan to do, I will be hiding in the wall near the left exit, listening in. If you have doubts, look to Kenny, I will tap twice for yes, once for no, and he will discreetly show two or one fingers accordingly. Don't let them think they own the place, don't let them do anything outside Wall Maria, don't let them encourage anything we have deemed dangerous. Understood?!"

Kenny hid his annoyance at the job while the other men nodded, unquestioning in their devotion to their physical god.

Even if he was just a stand-in until they could regain the true founder.


SS awkwardly opened the door to the Imperial politician, the blonde woman sighed as her security escorted her into the large building.

SS awkwardly opened the door to the Imperial politician, the blonde woman sighed as her security escorted her into the large building

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The building was deathly silent. The many guards of the Military Police simply stood there, staring at her and her people as if shadow demons had materialized in the hall.

"We are here to speak with the king and his council," Erwin said, startling the woman.

The guards nodded, leading them up the stairs and to the main room.

The doors had opened to reveal an incredibly tired and bored-looking old man and several other stone-faced old men who were glaring at the people entering.

"Your majesty, I am certain you have heard already, but in case you haven't, wall Maria has been sealed and operations to exterminate the titans within it can commence at your discretion!"

The old man sitting on the throne didn't even nod, it was one of the fatter advisors who leaned forward slightly before saying "Yes, commander, and while that is certainly fantastic news we... are very concerned about the means through which you did it... as well as the phenomenon occurring within the lost territory." He said slowly, carefully even.

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