Chapter 7

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"Fire in the hole!" a Drawf man yelled.

Erwin didn't really understand why the man screamed that just as they detonated the explosives. He knew it was to let everyone know that they were going to blow up a bunch of Titans, but everyone was already cleared… maybe protocol…

The ground shook, and a cloud of dust flew into the air, hiding the unmoving bodies of the monsters caught in the explosions.

Soon the smoke cleared and the men could count the dead monsters.

"Uh… hard to tell, but given the heavy amounts of steam I say we have a good number of tangos down… if not most of them…" a voice came in over the radio.

"Excellent, sergeant, excellent. Get some of the Waffen SS guys to help you clear out any of the stubborn ones." The commanding officer replied.

Radio… we could use that to great effect in our expeditions… saved several lives-

Erwin pushed the thoughts away. Those who had died were being avenged even as he inspected the building materials they had brought.

Several meters below him, the Imperials were already working on installing their Steel gate.

He had to wonder where those destructive abominations were now. If original reports of the event were to be believed the Armored Titan survived direct cannon fire, but these Imperial guns were far more destructive and accurate…

How would an imperial tank hold up against the armored titan?

"Your boys are sleeping, right?"

Erwin turned to glance at the Imperial officer. He had ordered Levi and his team to rest up in one of the flying machines the Imperials called a helicopter, that way they would be able to help during the final, more dangerous stages of the next day.

Given the eerie lack of sound coming from the inside of that helicopter, I wouldn't say they're asleep, but…

"Yes, hopefully, they won't be needed tomorrow."

The Imperials nodded before glancing at the Golems working on the giant gaping hole in the structure.

"On the light side of things, everything seems to be on schedule." The Soldiers muttered.

"Yes… do you think your men are alright?"

The commander glanced behind him then, hearing a small explosion ring throughout the mostly empty district. The possibility of an abnormal attack in the middle of the night was a given, but not something he or any one of them could afford.

Erwin hoped his men as well as these… SS" were able to hold off or destroy any Titans approaching.

Moblit watched as the Imperials used his rifle to destroy both eyes on the seemingly sleeping titan. It had been sitting on the remains of a destroyed house, eyes wide open and unblinking; a disturbing parody of the humans its form tried to mimic. But despite being very much aware of the men in front of it, the beast did not attack.

It just sat there… watching, or at least, pretending to watch.

At least, until the Imperials destroyed both its eyes with two short bursts from his assault rifle.

Two members of the survey corps walked to the left of the creature, firing their cables at its head, and hooking themselves to it.

"Alright-alright-alright! Quickly now! No time to waste!" the ever-energetic Hanji ordered the soldiers, both hers and the Imperials.

The men collectively pulled on the cables, slowly forcing the titan to lie on its side. The creature was more than cooperative as it rolled on its stomach, exposing its weak spot.

Sorcerous empire in the Attack on Titan worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن