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Authors Note: I've had this almost ready in my drafts for dayss but there's been so many setbacks. I didn't edit it so enjoy my typos. Xx

You hadn't been back to work with Mildred since that week, but tonight was the annual Christmas party so both you and Diane would be attending. You'd been wanting to go back and visit the hospital, but you figured that Mildred wasn't really keen on keeping you out of trouble and managing a hospital, so you never requested to back to work with her. Plus, you knew Diane wouldn't react well to you wanting to abandon her during the day. Diane hadn't let you out of her sight for even a second since she'd gotten back. Her and Mildred actually got into a few fights about Diane monopolizing your attention. 

You didn't take sides, but you understood why Mildred was getting annoyed. Diane had all day with you, and she only had time after work. All of their fights started the same way when it was Mildred who had the issue. Mildred was a bit more predictable than Diane because she really put in effort to be reasonable. The first warning sign is always the same. Mildred makes this face; she raises her eyebrows and nods her head slightly as if to silently say "oh that's how it is then?". From there it spirals. Mildred will subtly try to steal you away for some alone time, but Diane won't allow it. They'll be eye rolls and scoffs and even a few attempts to talk it out before it all explodes. 

It disturbed you a bit that almost all of their fights revolved around you. It made you feel bad, but you knew it wasn't your fault they didn't like to share.... well to be fair it was mostly Diane not wanting to share and then Mildred following suit and being petty as well. Eventually you had to talk to Diane. It wasn't fair to Mildred. You got virtually no alone time with the woman, and you knew that Mildred was already self-conscious about her relationship with you. It seemed that no matter how much you assured Mildred that you loved her just as much as Diane she always assumed she was second best. You hoped that once you'd finally gotten some alone time with her... and shown her physically how much you love her than those feelings would go away. 

Mildred had been sharing a bed with you and Diane and had just recently started to move her things in. It was amazing finally getting to be with the both of them. You loved the domesticity of going through your nightly routine with both of them, and being held all night was an amazing plus. 

Diane and Mildred had also made their affection for each other more obvious and surprisingly you weren't jealous. They never made you feel left out or like you mattered less because you were the "addition" to the relationship. A very toxic part of you loved that they both fought for your attention and affection, it made you feel desired and secure. 

The latest fight was still recent, only coming to a close last night when you initiated a heated make out session with the both of them. It was routine to kiss both of them goodnight after they kissed each other goodnight, but they opted to just kiss you goodnight and for some reason that was the final straw for you. They'd spent days being petty with one another and it was driving you insane. So, when Mildred kissed you goodnight you fisted her fiery locks and deepened the kiss. And of course, there was a battle for dominance, which you willingly lost. It didn't take much to reel them in and after a few minutes of letting Mildred have her way with you you broke the kiss and turned to Diane. You whispered, "hi mommy" and it was over from there. Diane and Mildred both took turns claiming your mouth while the other explored your body, planting kisses on your neck and chest. They didn't go further than kissing but you hoped the shared experience would help them shake off any lingering tension. 

It was a success for the most part. They weren't making snide comments or trying to steal you away from themselves anymore, so you counted it as a win. You often used your innocent facade to get your way and you couldn't say you were ashamed of it. They made it clear that they had control over you, but they seemed oblivious to the fact that you have control over them as well. All you had to do to get your way most days was bat your eyelashes and ask nicely. 

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