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Ya'll idk what happened, this chapter just kept getting longer and longer so here is ~5k words

TW: Body weight issues and self-criticism. Mentions of ED. 

I will mark when it starts and ends. Skipping it will not affect your understanding of the chapter. 


"Were here baby girl, time to get up." Diane said, softly touching your shoulder. You grumbled in response and heard Mildred say, 

"Just carry her in, her body needs rest." 

"But I'm sure she wants to see the place before we go inside." Diane said. 

"And she'll have plenty of time to tonight." Mildred spoke, her voice sounding further away as she trailed off. 

Strong arms snaked under you, and you were enveloped in Dianes sweet scent. Once you were nestled in her arms you snuggled up to her chest burying your face in her wavy hair. You were excited to see the place, but you also wanted to be carried so you figured fibbing that you were asleep for a bit wouldn't hurt. You jostled some as Diane walked but didn't open your eyes. 

"I know you're awake sweet girl." Diane said. You shook your head in response still keeping your eyes firmly shut. 

"Silly girl, you just want to be carried huh? My little princess." You smiled, finally opening your eyes and looking up at her. She smiled back at you and raised one of her perfectly sculpted brows. You just giggled and wrapped your arms around her neck as she carried you through the front door. You didn't see much of the outside but from what you could see the house was beautiful. The porch was huge and decorated with patio furniture and various plants. You figured this is where Mildred had been staying since the plants were still thriving. 

The door was already open, so Diane carried you through the entryway into the foyer. The place was huge and bathed in a soft golden light. In front of you there was a large staircase that led to the upper levels, the wall beside it was covered in blank frames. You looked curiously at them but figured it'd be a question for after you explored. You quickly wiggled out of Dianes hold to set off on your journey pulling a laugh from Diane as she put her slippers on and disappeared somewhere deeper into the home. You noticed that right by the door sat another pair of slippers... they were kitten slippers and looked about your size, so you assumed they were for you and slipped them on not wanting to track dirt everywhere. 

To the left of the staircase was what looked to be a sitting room? It had two small couches with a table in the middle. Pictures of Diane and Mildred filled the walls along with more blank frames. You looked closely at the pictures, there were tons of pictures at different travel locations and some article clippings and awards Mildred had received. 

Moving on through the house you walked into the living room area. The house seemed to follow the same farmhouse theme. After laying all over the couches to test them out you went over to the entertainment center and looked at some of the movies they had displayed. You did a little happy dance seeing that they had pretty much all of your favorites. Next was the bookshelf, you ran your finger over all of the spines before examining them closer. They had almost all of your favorite books too. You took one out and it looked brand new, it even still the little sticker in the corner. Thats when it finally clicked that they had prepared for your arrival. It was surprisingly easy to forget that Diane and Mildred had watched you for a long time before even approaching you. You didn't connect the dots sooner because the books and movies were things you'd only shared some of with Diane.... but they must've put together a list of your favorites. 

You knew that to most that would be considered really creepy... but you kind of thought it was sweet? They had obviously taken the time to not only watch you enough that they knew what books and movies you watched but they specifically made note of it and kept the note for however long just so that you'd be happy when they brought you home. These two women had put more effort into something small, that most see as insignificant, then your own father had done for your entire life. It made you feel really loved, and to avoid crying you moved on. 

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