Messy Affairs

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Your name being screamed out woke you with a start. Your mind was foggy at first and you struggled to sit up right. 

"Y/N where are you!!!" 

'Jesus Christ, why so loud?' you thought. You sat yourself up and started to get out of bed on shaky legs thinking Diane must need you for something. 

"We have to go Y/N! We have to go NOW!!!" You heard from the doorway. When you looked up your heart dropped. Lana was gripping the door frame, face ghostly pale, body covered in dirt and blood. 

"L-lana?" You said jumping out of bed wobbling a bit before racing over to her. 

"Oh my god! Are you okay!? What happened?" You asked in a rush as you held onto her.

"Your hands! Are you hurt? We have to get Diane; she can take you to the hospital!" Your eyes raked over her looking for injuries before trying to push past her to go find Diane. 

Your brain was slowly waking up and it started bombarding you with questions. Like how did Lana get in here? What happened to her? Where is Diane?

"Diane!" You screamed only to be cut off by Lanas's hand pressed against your mouth. 

"Listen to me Y/N we have to leave right now! Diane did this!" Lana pulled you through the room as you put together what she said. You stopped abruptly in the hall pulling her backwards. 

"What do you mean Diane did this? S-she h-hurt y-you?" 

"For the love of god, I'll tell you once were safe! I have no idea how long she'll be out I hit her pretty hard but if she wakes up were screwed, so let's go!" 

"What do you mean you hit her!" You squeaked. Lana turned to you angerly realizing you weren't budging. 

"She locked me in the basement! She tried to fucking kill me! So, I hit her and knocked her out! She killed your dad and your brother Y/N!!" Lana sobbed, tears carving paths through the dirt on her face. 

"S-she s-she no. No, she wouldn't do t-that." You whispered. 

"Do you think I did this to my damn self? And have you even seen your family since you've been with her? She told me she killed them!" 

You looked down as you tried to process everything, but Lana just grabbed you again pulling you forcefully into the hall and down the stairs. You tripped down the stairs but managed to stay upright as she pulled on you. 

'Diane couldn't of... she wouldn't do that...right? She killed them... she killed my family... she tried to kill Lana...' 

Your legs felt like they were weighed down by bricks. You were conflicted, you wanted an explanation, you wanted to have a second to think about all of it. You loved Diane and you thought she loved you... and coming to terms with her actions was taking a toll on you. You wanted to think Lana was lying but you knew she wasn't. Diane had stalked you; Diane had taken you from your family, she had manipulated the entire thing. And God she was angry about Lana- at Lana for touching 'what's hers'. But she wouldn't go so far as to kill them, would she? 

Running through the home felt like an out of body experience. You looked down at your legs moving as you were dragged along by Lana, but you didn't feel them. You didn't feel anything, you felt numb and confused. 

Your blood was pumping, and you felt as like your heat as going to burst it was beating so fast. You weren't scared of what Diane was going to do to you if you were caught... but you most definitely were terrified of what she'd do to Lana. So, you took the lead pulling Lana closer to the front door, and as the door was came into view it was like time stopped. Lana was going to get help, be safe... that's all you could focus on you couldn't worry about what the repercussions of Diane's actions would be, it was all too overwhelming. 

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