Hidden Agenda

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"Shes my wife." 

You both stood stock still staring at one another for what felt like an eternity. Your entire world came crashing down as soon as the words left her lips. Whatever you had expected her to say... this was worse. You were sure the room was spinning, but you avoided getting dizzy by holding eye contact with her. Your heart was beating so fast but at this point you hoped it'd just explode in your chest. 

You opened your mouth to speak but all that left your mouth was strangled sob. You didn't even realize you were crying, but now you felt the wet tears dripping down your chin. You wished you were speechless because your thoughts were racing, but truly you were shocked. Your head was empty as your eyes burned holes into the woman in front of you. The words themselves had registered, but not the many implications of them. 

You couldn't think, not right now. It was overwhelming standing there as she watched you. It had probably been seconds but it felt like years to you. Years of you watching mindlessly as the pieces of your life fell, scattered around your now broken relationship. 

The only thought your hazy mind could put together was that you had to get out... out of this situation, out of this damn room. You turned quickly and sprinted to the bathroom. You knew Diane was coming after you, yelling for you to stop and talk to her, but you just couldn't. You slammed the door behind you so hard it shook the hinges before locking the door handle. 

Once inside everything hit and you slid to the floor as the realizations dawned on you. A million thoughts all fought for the spotlight in your head, but one stood out among the rest, rattling your brain as it shouted over and over 'She never loved you.' 

'She had a wife... no she HAS a wife. She has a wife but did all of this to be with me. To what? Play with my feelings? Is this all a game to her? How could she do this to me? And she's been sneaking around with this other woman behind my back.... oh god... I'm the other woman, but wait... she knows about me?' 

You were sick of it, sick of all of it. The secrecy, the lies, the hidden agendas that Diane always seemed to have. You were tired of being confused and scared... Diane somehow simultaneously made you feel safe and terrified. It was like you were dangling on the edge of a cliff with only her hand to keep you from falling. You trusted her to keep you safe but the situations she kept putting you in scared you. 


It had been a little over two hours since you had locked yourself away. You took a shower then decided to set up camp on the floor. You didn't want to see her. You weren't as angry as you expected to be when you first found the messages, you were just empty. Everything about your relationship was a lie. Diane had tried every few minutes to get you to come out, promising you everything under the sun. You knew she could just kick the door down if she wanted but you assumed she didn't want to risk harming you in the process. Whatever her reasoning you were grateful she allowed you this boundary. 

"My love, it's been hours... please come out." She begged. You could hear her frustrated sigh at your lack of response. 

"I can explain...." She whispered quietly before chocking up and adding "you weren't supposed to find out this way... it was supposed to be planned, I'm sorry." Her voice was breaking and hearing her that way made you start to cry as well. As much as you hated her right now it hurt to hear her sound so defeated.  

You wiped at the tears rolling down your cheeks angrily as your repositioned yourself to hear her better. You were disgusted with yourself. You hated how weak you were for her. She could drive you into the ground, but you'd still feel for her... hell you'd probably even make excuses for her. 

"I'd really like for us to have this talk face to face..." 


"Okay" She sighed. You could hear a thump against the door, and you imagined her leaning her head back against it dramatically.  



"Mildred and I married ten years ago, we met at a hospital and just clicked. We traveled a lot a few years in, we both had always wanted to but never had much time. We traveled all over the world but eventually we decided to settle down. It was never my intention to keep this from you... I was going to be honest with you from the beginning, but Mildred had some things she needed to take care of at her new job. Some personal things involving her brother... that were time sensitive- anyway that doesn't matter." 


You didn't know why she was telling you this, you didn't want to hear about her lOvE with Mildred. You realized this was a common occurrence... you not knowing what the fuck Diane is talking about half of the time. 

"We were supposed to come find you together, but the things she needed to handle took longer than expected so we decided I'd be the one to come get you." 

'Oh, fantastic I have two stalkers not just one, fucking amazing news.' 

"I waited too long to tell you about Mildred hoping she'd finish and be able to come see our baby herself" She sighed. 

"-but things got complicated for her and- well for us too... with everything. The longer I waited the more difficult telling you became because I didn't know how to broach the subject. We decided that maybe you meeting her first would make things easier. You were supposed to meet her soon, that's why I've been so busy trying to make everything perfect.... I've neglected you and-" You heard her sob loudly at the confession "I am SO sorry baby girl." 


It felt like everything you'd built with Diane was a lie. You thought you could trust her, sure she was a little unhinged, but you trusted that she loved you.... now you weren't so sure. How could you just string along someone you supposedly love? 

And now she wanted you to play happy family with some woman you'd never even met... after you thought you were going to spend your life with her... JUST HER. 'She really is insane.' You thought. You wanted to laugh because really it was funny just how fucked everything became. 

"I know this isn't what you expected, and I know it'll be an adjustment, but I really do believe you'll love her y/n." You knew she truly believed that because she always used your name when it was something serious. She sounded sad but also hopeful as if the two outcomes of the stations were weighing on her at the same time. 

She really believes the three of you could be happy together. Apparently, both of the women did, but you weren't so sure. You were heartbroken. You felt betrayed like she cheated on you but worse... because she actually didn't, she just lied about everything. You didn't think you could trust her with anything anymore. You knew that was a bit dramatic, but it was how you felt in this moment. 

You didn't know Mildred, and right now you had no interest in knowing her. It was stupid, but you resented her for ruining what you thought you had with Diane.

... but you knew it'd break Dianes heart if you refused to at least try. You knew this was one of the few things she wouldn't force your hand in... where would it even leave you if you refused? Would your relationship be over? Would theirs? 

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