Chap 1

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Péché means sin in French
Frollo is 20 when he had Péché

Frollo 26
Péché 6

Frollo was eating alongside Péché when suddenly Péché accidentally dropped the fork, he then tries to pick it up but he was grabbed and dragged to the kitchen, then the back door, the stinky smell filled his nose, "you can't even pay respect to food! Devilish thing, eat this instead, you are of no deserving of god's blessings!" Frollo stated pushing him to the trash can , the child only starts sobbing and kept on saying sorry, but Frollo turns deaf and left him there.

The child starts to dig the trash can hoping to find food, a little later he found a bread with mold in it, he doesn't care, he is hungry, so he eats it.

It's his father's birthday, so he draw a picture for him, he drew himself, his father and a happy birthday above the drawing, he is excited to gift it to his father, so he waited at the front door.


Maybe his father is busy out there, he just have to wait a little longer! Maybe he will be home late...


His father must be celebrating with the others...

Early morning


Where is father?


Father is here!

He then gave Frollo his drawing with a smile, Frollo only glared at him pushing him aside. It's okay, maybe his father is just tired...

The next day, Frollo broke down from a fever, Péché is so worried so he warmed a water and took care of his father, he also cooked him a chicken soup and gave him a warm water to drink, Péché decided to stay with his father until he is okay.

Three days later Frollo finally regained his strength, Péché is happy because of it, he decided to show his father his gift again, but his father only burnt it... He was able to save it, sad... Maybe it's too ugly... It's okay, he told himself to make a better one soon!

A week passed, it's finally his birthday! He is excited to go to the town and meet with his friends! They told him they will treat him with fresh bread as a gift, he wants to share it with them. As usual his father did not greet him it's very sad...

After the day Péché went home, it's fun, because his friends celebrated with him. When he got home he got greeted by his father with a whip... What did he do wrong? "you imbecile how dare you break a st. Niño!?"
"but father I did not! I was away from home!"
"filthy liar! Sinful like your mother!"

His father whipped him again and again...
It's painful...
He was left outside when the storm came, it's so cold ...Péché tries to find a shelter to shield himself from the rain... Father hates me... He said to himself

A week passed, his father burnt his arm because he 'caught him stealing' bread, he did not steal it... The maid gave it to him.

A year passed
It's his father's birthday, so he tried to bake! He wish that his father will love the muffin! While baking his father barged into the kitchen, "WHO TOLD YOU TO TOUCH THAT?! SUGAR IS SACRE IN THIS TOWN! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD IT IS TO GET?!" his father shouted, he didn't knew that, he is only 7 how could he? "I- Péché is sorry!" he said sobbing, but Frollo grabbed the boiling water spilling it to Péché,
A loud scream can be heard, his face and arm burns, along with his torso and shoulder. It hurts.

why does father hates him? He hates it, Péché decided to runaway, so he left a letter and ran.

He doesn't want to chase his father's love... His father hates him, end of the story... So he goes north until he reached the stormy land, he hid inside a cave so he won't get wet... He decided why not explore deeper? But regretted it later... He is lost... Scared, he wish that someone would come for him... Will he die? Why? The world hates me, he decided... "help me..." he said before collapsing due to hunger... He doesn't know how many days has passed... But he does know he is dying... He is dehydrated and hungry... Deep in the cave...

"someone please... Help me..." a light slowly shows up, approaching him

Frollo entered his room to found a letter sitting at the bed

'happy birthday father, From Péché

Péché realized father doesn't want me around, so Péché decided to give you my last gift!

Don't worry Péché won't bother you anymore, Péché is going away now

Love Péché'

Frollo frowns and goes to Péché's room only to find it empty, he then wander around in search for Péché.

He can't find him


Frollo is 28

Frollo roams back and forth, where is Péché? His son disappeared a year ago. He sent his finest men to search for him, but to no avail they could not find him... He looks at the burnt drawing he placed near his bed... "Péché" he never called him by his name before, until the day he disappeared, he realized how he longed for his son, his anger towards the sinful woman is given towards his son.He realized it, Péché was the one who took care of him when he is sick, waited for him everyday to go home, and even gifts him... He was cruel to his only blood, Péché loves him and showed it, yet he fanned ignorance... It's painful to realize how he treated his own son... He is the worst... Now, Péché is gone..., no he can't be gone, he is just missing, he will be reunited with his son soon

A day later, the Knights returned with a piece of blood covered cloth and a knife... The cloth.. it's Péché's, he hugged the clothes and cried "Péché...." he then look at the knife... and that knife... He knows very well who would own such a knife... A Gypsy...

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