Chapter 24

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Somethings changed. I don't know how or why but it has. And I feel awkward, confused and angry by this. I get fucking butterflies whenever Viktor's name is mentioned and it's making me want to gouge my eyes out.
"Sofiaaaa," Mila sings.
"What!?" I snap.
She holds her hands up defensively at my slight outburst. I sigh, rub my eyes and groan.
"Jesus. What's got your panties in a twist?" She questions.
A lot of things she doesn't realise. Viktor is officially the boss now and since he's become the boss, his presence is mostly absent. I agreed I'd sleep in the same bed as him as long as there's no funny business. But he's never there when I fall asleep and when I wake up. So he either comes in after I've fallen asleep then leaves before I wake or he doesn't come at all.
"I'm stressed out. The wedding is in two days and I've barely seen Viktor and I'm freaking out. I knew this day was coming, I did. But my heart feels so heavy, especially when Viktor is mostly absent," I feel the tears well and fall as I explain how I'm feeling.
    "Aw, hunny," she sighs and hugs me. "Everything is going to be okay. Viktor probably just has initial duties he has to tend to at the beginning of being boss. Hopefully things get less crazy," she smiles.
    "There's also something else," I hold my breath.
      She perks up, obviously seeming more interested now.
      "I think I'm..." I cough and cringe. "Developing a small crush for Viktor," I smile tentatively.
      She's silent for a moment then frowns at me, looking confused.
      "I thought you always had a crush on Viktor. Was I wrong?" She honestly says.
      Of course she says that. I look at Mila with an 'are you serious?' Look and shake my head. She holds her hands up defensively.
      "I don't know. Maybe. You're not helping the situation at hand. I'm not supposed to feel anything for him. He's an idiot. An imbecile. An absolute jerk. I need to clear my system, get the dart board out and put a picture of his face up front and centre," I ramble.
     "Are you done?" She asks. "Whilst I agree with majority of the things you say... you do realise I am related to him right?" She questions.
     I groan and lay back on my bed, feeling more frustrated.
"I have news!" She exclaims and squeals, clapping her hands together.
I perk up slightly and sit up to listen to her. Someone else's news distracts me from my own monstrosity of a life. Hopefully the news is interesting enough to make me forget why I was upset in the first place.
"Do tell," I urge her.
"I'm going on a date," she nods her head firmly.
I raise my eyebrows, shocked at her statement. A date? With who?
"Continue," I say nodding my head profusely.
"With Marco," she finishes.
Her confession shocks me. If it's the same Marco I'm thinking, then I am most definitely shocked. I never expected it to be completely honest.
"And how did this date exactly become about?" I ask, curious.
"Well, after the fight we ran into each other. We started talking, you know the usual. One thing led to the other and then we ended up sleeping together. He has not stopped messaging me since, he's literally obsessed with me. I didn't even stay the night, either. It's not like I'm actually interested in him. Well, he's nice and all and good company but that's just it. I like the company and I'm needing a good distraction. He's definitely good to look at. A little slack in bed, but a solid 6 out of 10," she states.
"A 6 out of ten doesn't seem like a very high score," I look at her pointedly.
"It's pretty high in my score card books. A lot of guys average a 4-5 out of 10. He scored a 6, so lucky him. No one really scores over a 7," she shrugs.
I nod slowly, taking in what she's saying. It's definitely a good distraction to my own problems. Interesting too. I don't think Mila has ever really liked anyone. They've all liked her. Why wouldn't they? She's funny, kind, extremely good looking. She's always been a great friend to me.
"So where will this date be?" I question.
She grabs her phone up, typed something then shows me the search results. It looks to be a very luxurious restaurant.
"When?" I ask.
"Tonight, actually. I have to leave now to get ready but I thought I'd come over and check up on you," she pats my back.
"Well, as you see I'm not 100% but I will be okay. You go, have fun and call me after. I want to hear all about it," I usher her out. She hugs me and leaves quickly for her date with Marco.
Now back to being all by myself.

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