Chapter 20

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     "You told him I've slept with 2 people? Mila! Why would you do that?" I exclaim, rubbing my forehead out of frustration.
      "I wanted to make him suffer a little," she shrugs.
      "But it's not even the truth. I'm a complete virgin!" I flay my hands up in the air, trying to make her understand.
     "He doesn't know that. He hurt you so I hurt him," is her explanation. Sounds toxic doesn't it? But that's the life we live.
     "What was his reaction?" I ask, curious.
      "Oh he was angry," she says nodding her head slowly whilst shoving popcorn in her mouth.
        "What a hypocrite!" I yell, feeling more frustrated.
         "I said the same thing, girlfriend. That's why I say, make him suffer a little bit. Then you can tell him the truth. Make up a whole story as to how and why you lost the big V," she giggles wickedly. She really likes to see her brother in mental strife.
        "Did he do anything?" I ask.
        She shakes her head and stares at the tv in front of us, "stood as still as a statue. His face drained of all colour. What a fucking hypocrite. He doesn't get to be hurt and upset when he's slept with THAT many people. He's selfish and a controlling idiot. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother. But he can definitely be a stupid idiot at times."
       I take in her response and visualise him standing there, being mentally tortured by what Mila said. Sofia, stop caring. You're the one mentally tortured.
     "Let's go out," I suggest. She looks at me and widens her eyes.
      "Now we're talking! You're doing this to spite him, aren't you?" She looks at me with curiosity.
     "Just adding to the fire that you've started," I shrug.
     She laughs and pats me on the back, "that's my girl! I've taught you well."


     It took us 15 minutes to get ready surprisingly when normally it takes us an hour. I chucked on some light makeup and put on the shortest dress I could find with a deep v neck that would expose my cleavage. With that we were out of here with our bodyguards right behind us.
      The music blares in the night club, as per any night club. Mila swings her hips and grabs my hands as we dance together.
      "Don't look yet but there's the most sexiest guy sitting at the bar and he's staring at me," Mila says into my ear excitedly.
I grab her hands and start jumping up and down, swaying our arms and turn her so I'm facing the man she's talking about instead. Tall, slender but clearly has muscles under his expensive suit. His blonde hair is gelled to the side, a classic fuck boy style. He stares at Mila who continues swaying. His eyes snap to me once he realises I'm staring. He doesn't look away, he gives me a challenging stare instead. My insides scream 'DANGER' at his entire persona. I've been part of the Mafia my entire life and I know when someone's pure trouble.
"Mila, I don't think he's just some random guy," I whisper hiss into her ear. She looks at me wide eyed. I grab her hand and begin dragging her to the female bathrooms to attempt to get away. Next to ladies, two tall men stand. I look at their hands. Scull and rose tattoos imprinted onto their skin permanently.
"Ello lasses," the one with chestnut brown hair, dark brown eyes and a sly grin says.
"Is there any reason you're essentially cornering us?" Mila snaps, clearly not happy our night is being ruined by these two mysterious men.
"Patrick. Declan. Don't scare the wee lasses," a deep sultry voice speaks from behind us. We both spin around to face the source. The same man who was sitting at the bar staring at us, stands tall. His blue eyes sparkle with the lighting and he smirks.
"Argh, you ruin all the fun," the other man with ginger hair, a skull on his hand and green eyes says.
"Who the fuck are you?" Mila retorts.
They all look at each other and laugh, "you give some cheek don't ya lass?" The man whose name still has not come to light questions with a smirk.
She places her hands on her hips and levels her eyes at him. This makes his smile grow further.
"Give some cheek? What the fuck does that mean?" She exclaims.
"Aye, the wee lass sure does," the guy named Patrick agrees with him.
"Can any of you actually explain why you're here?" I ask?
"What better way to find Volkov then to follow his bird?" Declan grins.
"Stop talking muppet," the nameless man orders. The nameless man must be their leader. Why does he want Viktor? Why did he have to follow me to find him?
"Quinn, what the fuck are you and your goons doing here?" Viktor's voice booms from the end of the hall.
"You seem to not understand how a phone works, lad. We're dealing with world war 3 over there and you're fluffing around," the nameless guy whom Viktor called Quinn says.
"I told you to wait," he states through his teeth, clearly angry.
"Viktor, how do you know these imbeciles?" Mila questions, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at Quinn.
The Irish mob laughs, "got quite the mouth on you, don't ya lass?" Quinn states with a smirk.
"Oh shut up jerk off," Mila retorts.
"The names Liam. Liam Quinn. Not quite jerk off. You got yer knickers in a twist, lass?" He questions, clearly enjoying spiting her.
Viktor looks to me, his face void of emotion. It's amazing how much he can change around other people.
"Sofia and Mila, come here," Viktor orders. Nikolai, Dimitri, Lev and Alex stand behind him. We do as we are told, keeping our heads down. The last thing we need to do is make a scene in front of the Irish mob. Viktor would be more infuriated then me wondering off.
Liam points at Mila, "Argh. Mila, is it lass?" He questions with raised eyebrows. She juts her chin out in defiance and crosses her arms over her chest again.
"Wouldn't you like to know, Irishman?" She responds.
"Nikolai take Mila and Sofia away. I'll deal with them later," Viktor orders. Liam's smirk deepens and he waves sarcastically at Mila and offers me a wink.
"Let me at him!" Mila starts thrashing against Nikolai who begins pulling her away.
Nikolai brings us to a private room and forces us to sit down and obey whatever they're wanting us to do. We sit for what feels like hours, waiting for Viktor to come in. He does eventually. His muscles look rigid, his face completely blank and angry green eyes.
"Want to explain to me what the fuck the both of you are doing here?" He questions, crossing his arms over his chest. His biceps enlarge at the movement, making my mouth feel as if it's drying up.
"Getting away from you," I retort.
"Nikolai take Mila somewhere else while I talk to my fiancé," he orders. Nikolai doesn't ask any questions, he stands and grabs Mila's bicep to lead her out while she yells at him.
I stare at him blankly as he leans against a table that is in the room. He doesn't say and neither do I. What is there to say?
      "How did it happen?" He asks.
      "How did what happen, Viktor?" I exclaim feeling beyond frustrated.
       "How did you lose your virginity? Who took what wasn't theirs to take? Did you love them? Was it special to you?" He asks coming closer with each question.
       "Oh it was just amazing," I say sarcastically. "You know, you're being beyond hypocritical seeing as you've slept with 50 or more women. I think I underreacted rather then overreacted."
      His eye twitches and I can tell he's growing more angry at my words. That's the goal. I hope he's upset and I hope he wonders why he wasn't good enough to wait for.
      "You know what's crazy to me?" I pause. He doesn't say anything, he allows me to continue. "You knew that you were meant ti marry me. You knew you were going to be with me, before I even knew I was going to be with you. Yet you still slept with so many women. How do you think that makes me feel? You claim you've loved me you're entire life yet I don't see any actions that show what you're claiming."
       "You had a promise to me too and you broke it yourself. Yes, I've slept with more women but that's different-" I'm quick to cut him off.
      "How the fuck is it any different?" I yell.
      "You didn't want or care for me before! Why do you now, Sofia? You don't even want to marry me so why the fuck do you care?" He yells back.
      It's amazing how even though I'm giving him all my reasons and explaining how and why he has hurt me, he still does not get it.
       "Well guess what Viktor. I'm still a virgin. Your sister was lying. Are you fucking happy? Just leave me alone, please. I can't look at you for another second," I cry.
       His body somehow relaxes but then freezes again at me crying and becoming emotional. He sighs and rubs his face with a single hand and comes close to me. He pulls me to him for a hug and wraps himself around me like a cocoon. My arms lay limp at my sides as I sob into his chest, feeling heartbroken and exhausted.
      "I'm sorry," he whispers into my ear.
I shake my head against his chest, "I don't know why I'm hurt."
He releases a breath of air and sighs, "I'm so fucking sorry, I should have waited for you."

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