Chapter 22

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    I wake up to the feeling of warmth and security. My body feels more relaxed then it ever has. I almost moan at how comfortable I feel until I feel the bundle of warmth stir. Immediately, my eyes pop open and I'm staring at the one and only Viktor's large and very bare biceps. I sit up immediately, feeling slightly disorientated and immensely confused.
      Viktor sits with his laptop on his lap, wearing nothing but his underwear. It's a gorgeous sight of course. But not one I expecting at all on this fine morning. I fell asleep in the study, reading a book and finally ridding all my anger and sadness by distracting myself. Now, it's resurfaced. How did I even get here?
      "What am I doing in bed?" I ask.
      "Sleeping," he bluntly states the obvious.
      "But why am I here and how did I get here? Last I remember I was on a couch," I grumble.
       He looks down at my chest, where one very bare boob has completely slipped out from under my dress that didn't leave much to the imagination. This, definitely does not leave much to the imagination. I squeal and grab a pillow to cover myself immediately.
      "I've seen it all before," he rolls his eyes at my reaction. "And I carried you here, you would have woken up with a sore neck otherwise."
      Charming, isn't he? He doesn't need to state pure facts like that. I look around at my surroundings to avoid him, although I'm already partly familiar with his extra large bedroom.
       "Why are you here right now? Aren't you supposed to be working?" I question, feeling confused.
        He sighs and closes his laptop and stares at me intently. When he looks at me like that, I really want to go hide in a corner.
       "I wanted to talk about last night and the 50-100 thing and the maybe false information Mila gave me. I'll go to work later but I couldn't wait," he says.
       I really didn't want to wake up after a big day and night and have to talk to him about everything that made me upset and angry yesterday. But Viktor is extremely persistent, doesn't take no for an answer and is already adamant that we talk.
      "What's there to talk about it? We've already established everything," I curtly reply.
     "Are you a virgin or not?" He asks the real question he's so desperate to know. Although I told him last night, he clearly thinks I was drunk enough to somehow lie or not remember.
    "I am. Which you are not. 50-100 people have shared the same lived experience," I shrug, acting as if I don't care. Why should I care anyway? Yes, maybe a small crush has always been there for Viktor. I blame that on the cliche' me, hoping it to be like the other arranged marriage books and movies that are out there. I'm a romantic at heart which has always been my greatest weakness. It would have been romantic for him to wait for me. Unfortunately, life doesn't really work that way.
     "It's probably less then 50. As I said, I was just giving an approximate response. It was never concrete, but I've thought about it and clarified it. Anyway, what's more important is why you care. You were so adamant you hated me and didn't want to be with me in the first place. So why care now?" He asks.
"It's not the fact that you've slept with people. You're a man and unfortunately most men just think about their dicks. It's the fact that you did it knowing we were going to be together forever. I never got a choice. It always had to be you. I could never say to my father when I was younger 'oh hey dad, there's this guy I really like... oh and it's not Viktor.' That simply would not be acceptable Viktor. It always had to be you and turns out it may be in the end. I couldn't have crushes, couldn't be near guys and couldn't even really talk to guys without the constant shadow. Whereas for you, there were no rules. The double standards just bewilder me and make me so so angry and upset. I should have known that you were only a man and can't think without your dick being your second brain," I shrug.
He sighs and rubs his face with his hands, a common thing he's been doing the last 24 hours.
"Even if there were others, it still didn't mean anything to me. The first time I was drunk and all the times after that, I was either madly jealous over anyone around you or I was trying to forget you because you didn't want anything to do with me. How pathetic is that, right? A grown man acting like a love struck teenager," he laughs at himself.
"Yet, you rejected me," I whisper.
He groans and stands up only to begin pacing back and forth. I can tell his mind is thinking a million things. But so is mine.
"And it will always be one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made in my entire life. That's when it all mostly happened, Sofia. Can we please just move on from this? I'll do anything," he begs.
"Okay... get on your knees then," I smirk, trying to play with him. Talking about all this emotional stuff, my heart doesn't do too well. The only way to feel semi-okay is to just try and move on. Even if that means messing with him a little.
He gets on his knees straight away and I move to the edge of the bed where he remains on his knees. Those two stars on his knees mean nothing in this very moment. As Viktor has said on multiple occasions, he only will kneel for me, and he's proving it right now.
"Kiss my feet," I raise my eyebrows, challenging him. He gives me an 'are you serious look?' I even flex my foot for him and raise my leg to bring it closer to him , to prove a point of course. It's always to prove a point. It's either play dirty or you lose.
"Sofia," he warns through clenched teeth.
"What? Don't have a foot fetish?" I tease. "Don't want to earn my forgiveness?" I add.
He sighs, contemplates his life for a while and then glides his hand from my calf to my foot, where he grabs. He lifts my foot to his lips and kisses the top of it and then places my foot down.
"You happy?" Viktor grumbles.
"No actually, I'm not. I was expecting both feet," I smugly say, my smirk very clear on my face.
Viktor stands to his full height of around 6 foot and 4 inches and grabs both of my outer thighs and drags me across the bed to him. He then extends both legs till my feet are resting on both of his shoulders and he looks me in the eyes and licks one foot at a time from my foot to where he can reach.
I gasp in surprise at his action, feeling a mixture of horniness and confusion with my kinks.
     "You won't beat me at any games you're  trying to play, Lyubov'. Im much better at playing them," he whispers hotly. "I told you before, I will only get on my knees for you. You make this too easy for me," he huskily adds.
     "Is that so?" I whisper. "Im sure one day, there's going to be a game I'm a lot better at playing  than you."
     He understands the hidden meaning and smirks. He wraps one of my legs around his waist whilst the other remains elevated on his muscular shoulder. I feel the very large and almost scary  bulge immediately press against my core, making my eyes widen and a moan freely fall from my mouth.
     "Soon, all of you will be mine. Your last name.." he pauses to kiss my leg. "Your mouth, whenever I want. Your ass. Your pussy.." he presses harder against my core whilst I desperately grind against him to try and get some friction. "And your heart, more importantly."
     I try to ignore the way Viktor's last words affect me. But I'm sure my face says it all. I am absolutely, utterly fucked. And it's all Viktor's fault. He's already stealing my heart back again.


Another update for y'all!

What do we all think so far?



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