Chapter 14

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Sofias Pov

We rejoin the party after finishing up our... activities. I look at the time, my eyes widening when I realise we disappeared for 40 minutes. Viktor stays by my side for a while. A bunch of men continue coming up to him, starting conversations. I try to listen in on their conversations, but it's hard as their words are very hush hush.
Mila comes over to me, her face saying everything she's thinking. Of course she has to say what she is thinking though.
"You two were gone for a while. Did you enjoy your shenanigans?" She giggles, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.
I swat her away and briefly look up at Viktor who is intently talking to a guy I've never seen before. His arm is around my waist the entire time, not allowing for me to escape anywhere.
"Sofia. Where did you go before? I heard you and Viktor fought and then you completely disappeared. You can't be doing that at your own party," my father comes over to reprimand me.
"I, uh, just needed fresh air for a while. I felt too crowded around here. I'm sorry father, I'm back now though," I apologise whilst bowing my head slightly.
"Very well. We need to discuss some important changes," he says and looks at Viktor who now ceases his conversation.
It seems to me that they both know what my father is talking about. Something is planned and I'm not sure if I'm going to like the sound of it. When do I like the sound of any thing these men plan? Never.
"Alright. Where should we discuss what needs to be discussed?" I question.
      He looks at Mila and I sense he doesn't want her around for this conversation. Mila senses this too and gives me a look of pity then wonders off.
      "We can just discuss it here," my father says.
      "Here?" Viktor questions him.
       They both stare at each other intently until my father sighs and ushers us to a more private area. He leads us inside to his office, I take a seat whilst Viktor and my father stand.
     "What's happening?" I question expectantly.
      "Sofia, some things have happened which have made us aware of the urgency for the both of you to be married. We've moved the wedding forward, for your protection," my father says.
     I frown, "moved it forward by how long?"
     Viktor runs a hand through his hair. When he runs his hands through his hair continuously, I know it's either a nervous thing or frustrated thing.
     "2 weeks," my father responds.
      My eyes widen enormously at his statement. A whole 2 weeks! We were supposed to be married in 2 weeks. That can only mean one thing.
     "We are getting married in two days, Sofia," Viktor grumbles.
      I stand out of my chair, making a loud screeching noise from the chair dragging across the ground. My father seems surprised to see me do this. To him, I just agree with everything he says. It's all about respect, he's a capo. Now, so is Viktor as his father decided to step down. I'm not afraid to say my thoughts to Viktor and be angry with him. He knows that. Viktor doesn't scare me, I know he would never hurt me. My father isn't used to seeing this side of me at all. I'm just his submissive daughter, agreeing to everything he says and orders.
      "Two days is barely enough time to prepare for anything!" I exclaim.
      "We just won't be having a rehearsal dinner or any of the other formalities. This really needs to be done Sofia, this isn't about the mafia. It's about you. You're safety is at jeopardy. Something has been said and there's been a breach within the Russian mafia. We've got rats everywhere! This isn't about me or Viktor or Ivan. It's about you!" My father points at me angrily.
      I bow my head at him, not wanting to anger him any further and nod slowly. Him saying my safety is at jeopardy means something bad happened that's got them all concerned enough to rush this wedding. My fiancé is one of the most powerful men in the Mafia and if it's got him scared then maybe I should be too.
     "I'm sorry," I apologise.
     "Let's not get angry, Vince. Sofia doesn't have a clue what's happening because we haven't told her anything. Therefore, we can't expect her to just be okay with hearing she's going to be married in two days. She was expecting two more weeks," Viktor explains.
I'm shocked at his statement. It's as if he's trying to defend me to my father to ease any tension. It's sweet but surprising.
"You're right," my father nods. "I'm sorry Sofia that it's all so rushed, but it's so imperative this happens."
"I understand," I whisper.
"We better go back out before everyone begins questioning us," my father says.
"If it's okay with you. I'd much rather go back to Viktor's and just head to bed," I essentially ask for his permission.
"You don't need to ask for permission, Sofia," Viktor says with his eyes turning into slits.
"We better cut the cake and do all that jazz then you can go," my father says.
Viktor gives him a look, shakes his head then sighs. I surprise myself for a moment and grab Viktor's hand in my own. This shocks him to the core as he looks down at out joined hands with a shocked face.
"It's okay," I whisper to him so only he can hear.
He squeezes my hand in response and we walk out of the office hand in hand. We continue the formalities for a while, everyone sings happy birthday while I fake a smile. Most people I don't know or I know of yet wouldn't exactly class them as a friend yet alone acquaintance.
      "Well, I guess my little sis is all grown up now. Moving out with her soon to be husband, and I hear you're going to be married in two days," Antoni ruffles my hair to annoy me.
"I guess so. We can still visit each other," I offer a small, but sad smile.
My whole life is changing more quickly then I anticipated. I thought I had another two weeks, but I don't. There's no choices for me and no matter what I do, it won't stop it. If I ran away they would find me. They have experts who can track anyone down, therefore I'm sure they could track little old me down. I could always try. But where would I even start?
       "We better get going," I say and look up at Viktor who is currently taking a phone call.  
      I hug my brother tightly, feeling afraid to let go. I know what our goodbye means. Antoni and I will hardly see each other anymore. He's next in line after my father, who I'm sure will be retiring soon since Ivan has.
       Viktor hangs up the phone and takes my hand in his. I say my goodbyes and thank everyone for coming. Viktor then leads me to his car. I look back at the house and sigh, knowing I'll never fully be back here. It's fine to say goodbye to the old me and all of the old memories.

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