Chapter 9

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I wake up to the sunlight streaming through the curtains which were left wide open. After Viktor had his speech, I was left flabbergasted. I then decided to save myself from saying anything stupid and left to sleep in the guest room. He looked disappointed, but didn't force me to stay.
Standing up, I stretch out and yawn whilst looking around the room. My stomach grumbles reminding me I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday. I walk to the door and open it, peaking out into the hall. It's silent. I walk down the stairs to the kitchen and look around, the house is completely empty.
Did he leave?
      I notice a note left on the bench and pick it up to read it
     'Had work to attend to. Nikolai will take you home- husband'
     I roll my eyes with a small smile at the note. I rummage through the cupboards and fridge, which all seems very much empty to my fridge at home. What does this man eat? Clearly nothing. I settle for a piece of bread and sit on the stool whilst going through my phone.
     "You ready to leave?" Nikolai's voice comes from the entrance.
      Spinning the chair around, I face him with a smile on my face. He raises his eyebrows, clearly questioning my choice of breakfast.
       "I think so," I nod and stand up.
        He looks away awkwardly, making me frown. That is until I realise I'm wearing one of Viktor's shirts and have no pants on.
       "Go put some clothes on. Wouldn't want boss man to kill me for just being in your presence when you're not decent," he says whilst looking anywhere but at me.
        I roll my eyes at him and go to Viktor's room and steal a pair of boxers from his drawer. A few minutes later I come back down and am led to the car by Nikolai.
        He drives me home silently and drops me off at my front door. I thank him and walk inside, just to be met with my father.
       "You at Viktor's?" He asks eyeing me wearily.
        "Yeah, I was. Nikolai took me back to his after the night ended not so well," I shrug.
        "We are beginning to move your stuff to the Volkov estate. Your birthdays next week and soon after you'll be married," my father informs me.
It's all happening so quickly, I don't know how I'm going to handle all of this pressure. What will my life be like when I'm handed over to Viktor? Will it be a life of zero love where my husband tarnishes the meaning of marriage and sleeps with every woman who offers herself to him?
Unwelcomed jealousy courses through my blood at the mere thought of Viktor sleeping with other women after we are married. He's definitely not a virgin and what's to stop him from sleeping with more women after we are married? I was promised to him from the moment I was born and it didn't matter then.
"Has a date been set?" I question.
        "March 1st," he responds instantly.
        I don't try and hide my shock. March 1st is two weeks after my birthday. It's clear they want this marriage to happen as soon as possible.
        "Okay," I nod slowly.
         "You and Mila will go shopping for wedding dresses tomorrow. We need to ensure everything is prepared for the wedding," he orders.
         I sigh and nod, not bothering to answer and end the conversation by resigning to my room. I hop in the shower straight away, letting the water drown my thoughts with it. I continue to chant to myself 'I'm a strong independent woman. I'm strong. You can get through anything. Don't let them win.'
      However, although my thoughts are positive it doesn't make me feel any better.

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