Wriothesley furrowed his brows. Signing off on the report, he moved to the next one.

Saturday 9:34PM
There have been reports of an organization being banded together. Their goal is to, in their words, 'make the Fortress more entertaining'. They plan to hold dances and parties, allowing prisoners to give themselves a break from work. However, I and other Gardes agree that prisoners should not be given this freedom. We disbanded the organization promptly, and now await further instruction from Your Grace.

He signed off on that one as well, while placing it in his stack of 'to-do' papers.

Monday 12:03PM
A strange package was inspected today. It contained various amounts of materials used for building mechanics. However, the package didn't have a sender nor receiver name upon it. I left it in the mailroom under 'miscellaneous'. I request that Your Grace personally inspects the package before I return it to the surface.

Adding the report to his to-do stack, he leaned back in his chair and sipped on some cold tea. He closed his eyes and tried to ease his mind from work.

The thought of you crossed his mind. He smiled, remembering your happy expression when he last saw you.

"Your Grace?"

He heard a voice coming from his door.

"Come in." He spoke, placing his tea down.

Avice surprisingly walked in, making Wriothesley sit up.

"Sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to thank you for saving Faissolle." She smiled softly.

Wriothesley shook his head. "It's no problem."

"He's recovering. Thankfully, Miss Sigewinne says he won't suffer any long-term injuries." Avice placed a hand on her heart, the gold ring catching the reflection of the lighting in the office.

Wriothesley peeked at it, clearing his throat. "That's good. I see your wedding bands came in."

Avice nodded. "It's a perfect fit. Turns out Faissolle designed them himself..."

Wriothesley found a thought ringing into his head. "...How long have the two of you known each other?"

Avice looked confused for a moment, but she still answered. "A few months, now. I know our marriage may have seemed sudden, but it really brought the two of us together... I feel like I can never part from him."

Wriothesley's muscles shifted for a moment. "...Ah, I see. I'll pay a visit to the infirmary soon."

Avice smiled. "Alright. I won't take up anymore of your time. Have a good day."

With that, she walked off and left his office. Wriothesley looked down on his desk, staring at a blank piece of paper.

Another knock came about.

"Come in."


Sigewinne pounced up, holding a purple milkshake in her hand.

Wriothesley's stomach turned at the sight of it.

"You had something you wanted to talk about?" Wriothesley watched her place the milkshake next to his tea while looking up at him.

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