16.- Camouflage from Another World

Start from the beginning

With plenty of time and the only sound being the wind on her face, her mind wandered to Team Seven, whom she considered her family. The creation of a nightmare involving them by Nightmare affected her deeply, and the loneliness and nostalgia for Konoha intensified. A smile appeared on her face as she imagined what it would be like to enter this world with Team Seven; undoubtedly, it would be more fun and provide them with double the headaches.

If they were here, Naruto would be the first to proclaim that it's time to kick some butts, Sai, with his unwavering loyalty, would follow them, Kakashi, seemingly indifferent with his book in hand, would actually agree with the intentions, and Sasuke... Sakura wanted to believe that Sasuke would now follow them by choice, but she also contemplated the possibility that Naruto would kidnap him to join the team. She even dared to imagine that, at this moment, Naruto and Sasuke would be fighting in front of her before their patience ran out, and she had to intervene. However, her broad smile faded as she replaced the image of her dear teammates with that of her new allies in the hero academy. Finally, her expression turned somber as she visualized Bakugo being held down face down on the floor of the lair with Dabi on top of him.

She let her back recline until she was lying down, gazing at the night sky. She realized that she had lowered her guard more than expected in this world. For a ninja, information was the key that put you one step ahead of the enemy, and here, she felt like she was walking with a blindfold over her eyes, not fully understanding how this new world operated.

But that was about to change from now on.

Once Midoriya and the others disembarked from the train, Sakura changed her appearance again and continued to follow them, this time taking on the guise of a boy. As they approached the hideout, the chances of encountering heroes or villains who could recognize them increased.

"Where are they, Yaoyorozu?!" shouted Kirishima, motivated to find his best friend.

Sakura almost tripped over her own feet following them due to the recklessness of the redhead until Yaoyorozu began to scold him. In silence, she praised her common sense when she started explaining that they should be careful not to be recognized by the villains and that they should hide.

"Okay!" said Midoriya, crossing his arms in front of his face. "I'll cover myself."

"You stand out more that way, Midoriya" commented Todoroki.

Sakura had to contain her laughter at Midoriya's innocence in trying to avoid being discovered by the boys. When Yaoyorozu suggested going to the costume store, she again approved of her decision-making, feeling proud that at least one of them was being prudent. While waiting, she strolled through the street like a foreign tourist, discreetly examining the faces of the people around her and memorizing each one just in case. So far, she hadn't recognized anyone, and the raid was still underway.

When five people emerged from the store, she stood petrified, unable to believe what her eyes were seeing. Were those disguises meant to go unnoticed? Even the children from the ninja academy could identify them from the other end of the street. The small part of her being that wasn't horrified felt relieved to know they weren't in her world; otherwise, they would have been captured or even killed.

Despite everyone changing their clothes, the looks they adopted didn't help at all: Midoriya went for a "bad boy" look, Kirishima only put on some horns and removed the gel from his hair, Iida only wore a mustache and his hair pulled back, giving the appearance of a pervert, Yaoyorozu only changed her hair appearance and put on glasses to look like a rich girl, and Todoroki, at least, had the decency to wear a black wig that covered one of his heterochromatic eyes, although part of his white hair was still visible.

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