"How? I don't know how big they are..." You replied.

"Hm." He looked at your neck, seatching for his mark that had faded away. "Keep meeting up with them."

You rolled your eyes. "I mean, how am I supposed to meet every single person involved?"

"You'll find a way." He said, smirking. "You got two weeks."

You groaned, looking away from him. "You're a pain."

"I thought you liked pain."

"A pain in my ass."


Folding your arms across your chest, you huffed, making him laugh.

"I watched you fight earlier in the Pankration Ring."

You decided to tease him. "You liked the show? I try my best when his highness is part of my audience."

He smiled. "Not yesterday. The day you fought another desert dweller."

You raised your brow. "...Nizami?"

"Yeah." He replied. His tone somehow... changed.

"Out of all the times you choose to watch me fight, you pick the one I was beat in..." You said.

"I heard the two of you are close?"

You looked back at him. "...Yeah. From who?"

"I know everything." He cupped your chin. "That includes what you're doing and where you're at."

"...Sounds like you're a stalker if you ask me." You stuck your tongue out.

He laughed. "That's just my job."

"Whatever." You turned away from him again.

"So, who's Nizami?"

You found it odd how he turned the conversation in reverse. "...Someone from the desert. He trained with me a lot, but I never managed to beat him in a fight."

"Hm." Wriothesley leaned back in his seat. "So, in other words, the two of you go way back."

You laughed. "Since I first learned to walk."

Suddenly, he pulled you off of him and stood up. You looked at him confused as you felt him push you down onto his desk.

Your hands pushed back at his chest while he smiled down at you.

"...Me or him?"


Wriothesley leaned further into you. "Me. Or. Him?"

You blinked. "...What is that supposed to mean?"

"Who do you prefer?"

Once again, Wriothesley's demeanor went back to that stern and complex one. As if, somehow, his entire personality just... alternated.

"I don't know what you're trying to get at..." You said. "...but the both of you get on my last nerve."

Wriothesley frowned, making your heart drop.

You suddenly put the pieces of the puzzle together. A smile crept up at your lips.

"...Something funny?" He asked.

You let out a nervous laugh. "...Are you jealous?"

His eyes lowered. You swore you could see his pupils get smaller, which immediately made you shiver.

"...Okay, just kidding..." You said. "...Nizami is as old as my dad. If anything, he's like family to me..."

Wriothesley blinked at you, his gaze getting softer. You held back another laugh as his cheeks turned pink.

He pulled himself off of you, and once you tried to sit up, he pushed you back down.

"Let me just make this clear." He started. "I don't tolerate sharing you."

"...Sharing?" You said. "What?"

"Nothing for you to worry about." He smiled. "I assume you're hungry?"

You listened to the growling of your stomach. "...I forgot to get breakfast."

He laughed, kissing your cheek. "Then go get some."

You sat up, this time with him not pushing you back down. However, before you left his desk, you felt his lips press onto your neck.

Your eyes widened as he bit harshly into your skin, making you flinch.

"...There. That should stay a while." He brushed his thumb over the bite, a bit of blood coming from it.

"...Are you a dog or something?" You said as he kissed your lips.

He laughed again, looking deeply into your eyes.

"Every dog marks their territory, no?"

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