"Go on." Wriothesley said.

"Just... don't send me back there... I didn't do anything wrong!"

Wriothesley sighed. "Attempted murder, possession of an illegal substance, and an accomplice of a prisoner. You didn't do anything wrong, you say?"

Chronie's eyes widened in defeat. "I... I just want us to be together... like before..."

"No thanks." Wriothesley said, signing off on a report. "You'll be put on trial and sent back here sooner or later."

Chronie whined. "...Everything was fine until she got here... you loved me... not her..."

Wriothesley's eyes shifted up to hers. If looks could kill... that one could.

"...When did I ever say I loved you?"

Chronie looked up at him, her mouth agape. "S-So everything we did together... was a lie?!"

"Everything we did together had no meaning." He replied, coldly. "You meant nothing to me, just as I should mean nothing to you."

Chronie grit her teeth, her hands trembling. "...What did I do to deserve this?!"


Chronie turned her head around to watch the Garde approach her, his hand hooked onto his taser. Her jaw clenched as he pulled her up, and she gave Wriothesley another begging look.

"Please, Wriothesley!"

Wriothesley smiled at her, making her heart drop.

"...Put her back in solitary confinement."


"Match over! Y/N has won!"

You cracked your knuckles and watched your opponent get carried away off the ring. You knew Sigewinne would scold you for coming back here, but you had nothing else to do for the remainder of the day.

"Good match." Roussimoff gave you a high-five. "A lot of bets were placed on you."

You laughed, putting your hands on your hips. "More coupons for me, then."

Roussimoff nodded and smiled. "You can get them from me tomorrow morning."

You nodded and walked off. Gazing at a clock on the wall, midnight was approaching.

You quickly made your way over to the designated area that the girl had told you about. Looking at the Garde who was standing there, you waited until he noticed you approaching him.

"...May I help you?" He stole a quick gaze at your chest before making eye contact.

"Hey. Is the pipe cleaning today?" You asked.

"...You want to clean the pipes?" He raised a brow.

"Yeah. I'm fresh out of coupons and I won't be able to get any for a moment." You lied. "I heard this is an easy way to earn some."

The Garde sighed. "...Alright. Head inside. The cleaning supplies are already there, so just follow everyone else's movements and you should be fine."

You nodded and walked inside the terminal. The pipes were definitely dirty and molded, which made you gag. Your footsteps squelched beneath you, all adding to the disgust you currently felt.

As you made your way deeper into the area, you picked up a faint voice.

Turning around a corner, you looked at the back of the girl who had told you to come here.

She whipped around, only to see you. "Oh, you're here."

"This is the girl you mentioned?" A man stated. "...She looks capable, I guess."

Another man examined you. "I know you. Remember me?"

You looked at him, realizing he was the one Nazumi guarded. "...Yeah."

"It's only four of us here tonight." The girl started. "Normally, we would go to the abandoned production zone, but ever since the leakage, we haven't been able to find a way there."

You crossed your arms. "How long have you been planning this?"

"A few months now." The man said. "The Gardes only caught wind of our plans when our protests started."

The girl nodded. "What's your name?"

"...Y/N." You replied.

She smiled. "I'm Genevieve."



Now that you had a list of names, all you had to do was remember them.

"...So, why am I here again?" You asked, trying to make yourself blend in.

"Because you're going to be our trump card against the Duke." Genevieve said.

"...Huh?" You squinted at her.

"You fought the Duke and won." Darcy started. "That means you're capable of keeping us safe from harm."

"I mean, I guess, but I still lost to him in our second match." You replied.

Rave shook his head. "We're not saying you have to defeat him or anything. We just want you to protect us if we were to ever be caught."

You laughed. "So, let me get this straight. You and a whole bunch of other people are teaming up together to escape this joint, and you want me to fight off Gardes so you can escape?"

Darcy nodded. "You're not from here, so it would he harder to get ahold of you once you escaped."

You were going to protest, but you quickly remembered your true reason for being here. "...Fine."

The group seemed like a normal rally of prisoners. They haven't done anything violent, and they all have what you thought of as their right to flee this place. If anything, you had that same thought yourself.

"Okay, then we're all in agreement." Genevieve turned to look at the two men. "All we need to do is put our distraction into play."

"And that is?" You asked.

"We thought of just constructing something to cause a loud explosion that would drive the attentions of others away at first..." Darcy said.

"But we came up with something better." Rave grinned.

A puzzled look came across your face. Genevieve smiled and placed a hand on her heart.

"We're going to kill the Duke."

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