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Hermes could not believe what just happened

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Hermes could not believe what just happened. Did the woman he desperately love and long for just walk away from him despite the lengths he had went to have her in his arms? Wasn't she suppose to love him as much as he did? Was it possible for someone to fall out of love for the other person even if they were hit by Cupid's arrow?

He stormed into Cupid palace on the verge of losing his mind. His heart was already shattered like a glass smashed on the ground. He needed answers.

"Oh Hermes, what do I owe to this—" Cupid said as he sensed the man in his chamber.

"How can she fall out of love for me!?" Hermes cut in. His voice sounded hurt yet hid an intonation of deep seethed rage in it. "Isn't she suppose to love me as much I love her? You said she would. Then why the hell is she pushing me away!?"

"She fell out of love for you?" The love god repeated with a raised brow. "How's that possible? Once a human or even a god is hit with my arrow, they will never fall out of love for the other person. However, that doesn't mean they will never be upset with you. Or enraged with you. And you know, people in their anger and frustration can make some harsh decisions even with their loved ones. So what did you do, Hermes, to upset her so much she pushed you away?"

Hermes brows knitted together. 

Her words repeated in his mind. He was doing everything for their own happiness. Why couldn't she understand just how much he love her?

Hermes found no fault in his act.

"How can I win her back?"

Cupid eyes darted to glance at him with a monotone look in his handsome countenance. "How am I suppose to know that?" He looked away and let out a tired yawn. "It's not like I am her close friend that I would know. Now off you go, I need my beauty sleep." He laid down on his bed and pulled up the sheets, completely unbothered with the love problems of the teal eyed god. It was not his business to begin with. His work was done and he have nothing to do with it now.

"Close friend..."


"I apologise to disturb in such busy hours of your life, Miss Sandra." Hermes said, as he sat facing the close friend of his fiancé, Sandra. "However, I didn't know anyone else to turn for help except you."

"It's quite alright. I understand your plight. You don't have to apologise." The sandy eyed woman responded, forcing a smile. She was quite taken aback when Hermes had turn up at her abode asking for her assistance in getting back with y/n. Deep down, she was happy to know that her beloved friend had finally put her foot down and took a stand for herself. However, she couldn't say that to Hermes. "But I don't know myself if I can be of any help. You know, how y/n can be?"

Hermes nodded his head in agreement.

She smiled at him apologetically. "I think it's best if you give her some space like she has asked for. I am sure, she will get back to you. After all, she loves you dearly." Her eyes softens and she did not know what got over her but she didn't expect herself to utter the next words out of her lips. Maybe it was because she felt sympathy towards him when he saw those teal hues filled with so much pain and sorrow.

"You know, y/n always loved you from the start even if it wasn't the way she did now."

Those words caught the man's attention and he looked up.

"You were her dear friend. The first man she had ever became friends with." She let out a sad chuckle. "I don't know if you know this. But y/n was never well loved among the town folks both men and women because of her distaste towards the gods. And she too never tried to fit in neither open up to others. It made me very concerned as I know I won't be always there for her even if I wanted to." She looked down at her lap, a frown on her visage.

"So I tried to match her with a man. But it never worked. She would never open up. I even begin to offer offering to the goddess Hera so y/n would get someone who would love and cherish her, give her all the luxuries the world could offer which she never had. Of course, I never let her know as I know she despised the gods. But suddenly one day, you came along and surprisingly she befriended you." Her lips curled up in a small smile. "I was elated to say the least to finally know she had someone other than me, she could rely on."

She looked up and looked at Hermes who sat in complete silence listening to her words. "You know why she let you in her life." She smiled. "You were the first person who accepted her for who she was. You didn't try to impose your opinions on her like other men or ask her to change her ways. And I believe that's why you were able to break through her walls and get a place in her heart."

"I hope, Belen, you would continue to love and accept her the way she is like you did before and respect her choices. I know, you deeply love and care for her. So please do take good care of her." She knew the problem laid in him wanting to control every aspect of her friend's life. Even it was out of love or without his intention. It was not healthy and she needed to address it. However, given the fact that she could not tell him those words as it was for it would be quite harsh. She decided to present it in a subtle way, hoping deep down he will get the hint and change his bad ways.

If not, she hoped Y/n would find herself another man who knew how to love her right. Cause love is not all about how much a person feel for you.

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