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His heart ached the whole time. To know she viewed him simply as a friend and nothing more, pained him more than he expected it would. It also evoked more fear in him — of losing her if he revealed to her the truth. That he approached her with the sole selfish motive of escaping his dull dreary life. And he considered her as just a thing to get rid of his boredom.

"Y/n,why don't you see him off?" Sandra nudged the h/c coloured woman. The said woman shoot her a glare before turning her attention back to the man infront of him.

"Shall we?" Her face clearly begged him to take her away from the brown eyed woman. Y/n loved her friend but sometimes she was too much to bear and tonight had been such times.

"Yes." He nodded and turned to Sandra with a smile. "We shall take our leave. Thank you for the dinner once again. I really enjoyed it."

"It's don't need to thank me." Sandra waved it off with a laugh and bid the two farewell.

Hermes glanced at y/n. His eyes foretelling the words he could not bring himself to say to her. His heart weighed down more and more as they walked futher away from Sandra's abode.

"Belen..." She called him out, pulling him out of his train of disturbing thoughts. Her e/c hues gazed up at him, her brows furrowed slightly. "You seem a bit lost since the dinner. Is something troubling you?"

He smiled. "No, I am fine. I was just preoccupied with thoughts of my work."

"I see. If there's something troubling you. You can always tell me. I know I cannot do much to help you but I can lend a listening ear to your problems."

'should I tell her?'

'but what if I lose her by doing so.'

'but...she deserves to know the truth... I can't leave her in the dark...'

"Y/n..." He called out, his voice almost a whisper. He stopped in his track. She halted in her steps too and turned back to stare at his solemn form. The air somehow seemed to have thickened. Her heart told her something was not right. He had been aloft since the dinner. She could see through his forced smiles and his teal eyes which appeared to hide a deep secret.

She worried if he was in some kind of serious problem.

"I..." He gulped down the lump in his throat.

'I can't- I can't do this. I am too scared.'

"Yes." She beckoned him to continue. Her eyes never leaving his form.

"It's nothing serious... It's just a small business I have been working in has been facing some difficulty." He lied. "And I cannot help but be concerned over it. Maybe it's because I have grown so attached to it with the passing days without being aware and now I'm scared of losing it."

The h/c coloured woman eyes dilated. She could sensed the pain in his voice, unaware the lost he was afraid to face was not the business but her. She offered him a comforting smile and placed her warm hands on his broad shoulder.

"Everything will be fine." She consoled him. She did not know what else to tell him. She had never been good in consoling others to begin with. So this was the least she could do, to assure him everything will be alright . "I'm sure..."

"I hope so." He replied, his teal hues veiling the pain and fear he harbour in his heart.


Hermes walked into his chamber with a heavy heart. His heart and mind deeply troubled. It took him long enough to realise and accept the feelings he hold for the mortal woman. He had been denying it every single time with the excuse that she was just a friend or a thing to get rid of his boredom when Apollo questioned his relationship with her.

He had been in denial.

But now that he was well aware of his feelings. He could neither gain the courage to tell her the truth nor convey his love to her. He was scared. Too afraid to lose her.

Just the mere idea of her despising him inflict him with a deep pain. He could not stand to be hated by the woman he had fell so deeply in love with. He rather preferred to remain just a friend of hers than bear to see those e/c hues stare at him with pure betrayal and hatred. But again, he could not imagine to see her with another man.

He was feeling so much at the moment. The emotions suffocated him.

"I can't lose her..." He told himself in a low tone, his hands holding onto his head which was hang low. "I'm such a coward..." He mourned for the loss he was yet to experience.

He covered his handsome visage with his large hands. "I can't tell her the truth... I cannot..."


A knock was heard when the h/c coloured woman sat down to stir the porridge. She raised an eyebrow, curious as to who could possibly visit her in the early hours of the day.

She put the lentil aside and stood up to receive the door.

"Yes?" She said as she pulled the door opened. Her e/c eyes widened for mere seconds.

"Goodmorning, my lady. I hope I had not disturb you." Apollo spoke out with an empty sweet smile.


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