victoria's Secret

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I apologized, trying to get a hold of the girl that stumbled on me. "That's okay..." She murmured, a subtle yet distinctive european accent in her voice. As she stood up tall to dust off whatever she had on her pink victoria secret satin robe, I recognized her.

"Heidi?" I exclaimed, searching in her eyes for recognition. She smiled back, her eyes widening in surprise. "Oh...stella! My sweet young Stella, how are you?" She said with excitement, extending her arms to hug me. I relax in the hug, realizing that I wouldn't be completely lost in this chaos.

"How's mamoune?" She asks when she pulled away from our hug. As she knew my mom since the year I was born and before that, they became inseparable friends: until she had to leave germany for modeling. She always used to call my mum "mamoune", and I guess it stuck.

"She's well, she says she misses you a lot." I explained briefly, walking towards my vanity as she followed me. "Oh..I'm so sorry that I wasn't there as much. I missed her so much." She apologized sadly, sitting down next to me in the pink office chair.

"Oh, no worries. That's...fine," I chuckled awkwardly, not knowing what else to say since the only connection that we have is through her and my mother's past friendship. The blond starts to touch up things on her face, putting powder and different makeup products that were unknown to me. I sat in my chair, quiet, not knowing that to do: should I wait in line behind those other girls that are standing in front of the pink curtain (which I have no idea what there is behind it) ? I decided that I should wait behind those girls: besides, I had my makeup and my outfit on..if behind the curtain is the runway I am ready to walk!

I make my way behind the last girl in line. I was way shorter than her. Inspecting her, I saw she had straight brown hair that came all the way down to her back. Obviously, she was very slim, and she was wearing another set of Victoria's Secret new collection. As she talked to the girl in front of her, laughing and giggling, I realized that her accent was sort of..tropical. Definitely not english, or german. Maybe...Brazilian?

My turn finally came, the long haired girl had just gone to walk down the runway: her walk was so powerful we could feel the vibrations in the ground. As she made her way back to the backstage, she drew the curtains and her face appeared— just for a second, before I had to look away and concentrate on my walk.

I arrive at the end of the runway and posed, a hand on my hip. Giving the judges a fierce look, I turned heel and walked back, making sure my hips were rocking and that I was walking in a straight line. Thank god I wasn't wearing those huge wings.

I make my way back walk straight to my vanity. "Hey, you must be Stella Klein. It's nice to meet you!" I hear from behind me. As I turn in my chair, I smile up at her. "I'm Adriana Lima." My smiles diligently fades when my brain slowly realized that I was sitting in front of my idol since literal birth. My smile broadens, my eyebrows lift and so does my body. "Oh my gosh, I don't want to fan girl or anything...but you're my biggest inspiration! I love you so much!" I squealed, looking up at her hoping for her to let me hug her.

"Oh..really? That's so nice!" She smiled, her sweet Brazilian accent coming through very clearly. "Do you want...a photo?" She asks kindly, her teeth peaking through her lips. I nod eagerly, turning around to my vanity and grabbing my digital camera. Wrapping my hand around her waist, I pull the camera in front of our faces and smile.

"Do you want me to take the picture?" One of the girls asked. "Oh, yes please!" I exclaimed, my arm leaving Adriana's waist to give the camera to the blond girl. First, we took a normal photo. Then, we hugged, click!

Then, we threw our arms in the air, click!

And finally, Adriana kissed my cheek while I blushed uncontrollably at the camera, smiling. click!

I ran to the camera and thanked the girl again, standing back next to Adriana as she tucked a hair behind her ear, before standing behind me to look at the photos. I clicked on the button that lead to the gallery and a picture of Tom in bed showed up. "Oh! That's my boyfriend...wrong photo," I giggled, searching for the photos we had just taken. "Oh..he's cute. You guys are so good together! Let me show you my husband." She squealed, going to her vanity in search of her phone. She came back, a smile on her face as she showed me her lock screen.

" guys look good together!" I complimented, looking at her. She nodded, turning off her phone and sliding on the pink velvety couch. I did the same: I didn't really know what we were all waiting for, but everyone was just sitting around and talking.


Finally, after a thousand harsh-full comments and plenty of judgmental looks, they let us all go to lunch. "Do you want to eat with me, Stella?" Adriana asks, pointing to the cantine down the hall. "Oh, I'm sorry, but Tom and I are going to have lunch together. But, let's organise it sometime!" I smiled, hugging her goodbye before making my way to the room where I was supposed to change in.

Throwing on the clothes I had on this morning and putting the lingerie set back on the rack, I took my phone and called Tom as I made my way outside. He answered almost immediately. "Hey, baby. I'm waiting outside." He said, a smile clearly on his face. I smiled, as if he could see me. "Alright, I'll coming down then babe." I answered, before hanging up the phone with an "I love you."

I ran down the stairs and towards Tom— his face only bringing comfort. He extended his arms, inviting me for a hug. I gladly accepted it and threw myself in his arms, almost jumping on him.

He chuckled, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "Missed me that much?" He teased, kissing my hair. I pulled away slightly, resting my chin on his chest and looking up at him. "Yeah..those judges are harsh. Made me appreciate my job as a guitarist." I joked, making both of us giggle.

"Alright, let's get some food in your stomach." He said, leaving a light kiss on my lips before opening the car door for me.

"What should we get?" He asks, laying a hand on my thigh and starting the car. "They said I wasn't allowed to eat too much so let's get a salad." I suggest, laying my head on the headrest and closing my eyes. "Okay." He echoed "You tired?" He asked, squeezing my thigh. I nod, leaving my eyes closed as I slowly dozed off.

"Stella..." A faint voice was calling me. I ignore it. Then, I felt a warm feeling on my cheek— a pillowy-like sensation. I turn my head towards it, resting my head upon it but it left, making my head almost fall— thankfully it landed on something. "Stella, baby." I recognized Tom's soft voice and I opened my eyes, stretching my arms softly. "I'm awake!" I exclaimed, suddenly feeling energized.

He chuckled, throwing an arm around my shoulders and leaving a kiss on my temple. "I love you." He whispered tenderly in my ear. I blushed, and looked away. He grabbed my chin between his thumb and index finger and turn my face towards him, before leaning in to kiss my lips. I humed in the kiss, turning towards him and wrapping my hand around his neck. He giggled in the kiss, and I pulled away, pecking his lips multiple times. "I love that you still blush when I say that I love you." He laughed, kissing my nose. I rolled my eyes. "I don't..." I lied, throwing my head back. "Mmh. Sure you don't" He chuckled, before putting his arm where it was before.

"Excited for tonight?" He asked, as we entered the restaurant. I wasn't sure if he was talking about the night in our bedroom, or about the evening at the fashion runway, but either way, I was excited for both. "Absolutely."

2215 words


The bitch is back ! And we're back with a long chapter. Next one is hot hot hot!!! I'm so excited for you guys to see it. See u next week


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