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I ambled into the studio, purse in hand and high heels hitting against the marble floor of the room. I shuffle to the recording room and am met with my brother and producers. I greet them with a smile and take a seat in one of the leather chairs, next to my brother. I nod at all the other adults in the room and set my bag on the floor before crossing my hands on my lap. "You may begin," I smiled kindly at the lady who was taking care of the tech and my manager Luna started commenting each and every single slide show about our new album.

"The album, "Dark side of the moon" consists of eleven songs. As I said they will be available in Vynils, CD's and we're thinking of adding it to Spotify too as it seems to be growing in fame and a lot of people listen to music there." She explains, pointing at pictures on the presentation. I raise my hand and she nods her head at me as to allow me to speak.

"Have we thought about Tour dates and locations? It's already February and we need to at least give the fans a couple of months to listen to the Album and we know we have to get a tour done before" I unravel and lean forward on the conference table and rest my elbows on it to be closer to Luna as she listened intently to me.

She nodded along with my production team. "We're thinking about launching the tour tickets in April. I'll come to the tour dates later on, I've already planned them." I smiled proudly at her and nod before falling back in my seat. I feel Steph poking my upper arm with his pen and I whipp my head at him. I look down at the pen then back at him questioningly. "Dude, I'm sorry I didn't call you I'm uh- happy for you, Mom told me you were getting married." He whispered and fiddled with his fingers as he avoided my gaze. I grabbed his chin and made him look at me forcefully. He looked straight at me with wide eyes and I feel his adam's apple bob up and down gulping nervously.

"You are going to come to my home, talk to dad and to Tom. That way we can have a pleasant Tour, alright?" I order him and he huffs in annoyance and pulls his head away from my hand. He sits back in his chair with his arms crossed across his chest in anger. "No way am I talking to dad. He's dead to me." He spits his words angrily but still keeps his voice low as to not draw any attention to us. I furrow my brows and scoot my chair closer to his. I take his hand in mine in a comforting manner and softened my face. "He's changed. He really has, Steph. He came to one of my shows, he comes to visit me at home every other day...he's been good to me." I avow honestly and nod my head to persuade him in a way. He shakes his head side to side.

"He could never change, Stella. I bet he's here to ask for something." He scoffs and sighs in annoyance. I open my mouth to reply but Luna cuts me off by clapping her hands to get our attention. I clear my throat and turn to her, pulling my lips in a line awkardly. "Alright, here are the dates and places of the "Dark side" tour 2013." She unravels and I nod.

"This tour will be separated in 4 different parts. This is our second and biggest tour, by the way." She starts "First part, America. We start off in Montreal, then Toronto. We go down to the U.S and we do three cities only. This first part will last a month. Thus, the whole month of May. Next, is part two, Europe. Obviously this part is much bigger and much more heavy. You're going to basically every european country, there's no need for me to name them, they're all written in the booklet I've given you. This part is through both June and July" She says, making my heart skip a beat, thinking of the heat that we were going to endure and especially the summer we were going to waste. "Third part is once again in North America, only one month this time, so just September" She calls out and it alarmed me. It was the month of Tom, Bill's, mine and Steph's birthday. Luna opens her mouth to say something but I cut her off before she even had the chance to say another word. "But september is supposed to be free, that's what we always said, didn't we, Luna?" I ask her and pull my chair closer to my manager. She shakes her head no. "Not this time, sorry Stella. Shows were being requested everywhere and this is as short as the tour could have been if we're still looking to make profit ." She explains and shruggs before continuing her presentatioin. "and finally fourth part is South America, one month tour without breaks and them a whole month's break between the 30th of October and 5th of December for your last show in Phoenix, U.S.A."


I quickly unlock the door to the house and drop my purse on the armchair, running to me and Tom's room whilst simultaneously taking my heels off and throwing them on the floor. I turn the lights on I see Tom still asleep. I throw on one of his old t shirts and slip into bed with him. He instictively wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him, snuggling me.

I close my eyes and stroke his dreadhead, twirling his dreads around my finger as he slowly woke up. "What time is it?" He mumbles as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and let his hand fall on my stomach befoore pushing his face into my breasts as he took a deep breath. "12 pm." I echoed and laughed at his face casually stuffed between my breasts, not a single dirty thought in his mind as he sighed into them, making a fart noise causing me to laugh loudly at it. Once he realises the sound it had made he falls on the bed and laughs immaturely with me. "Did you go to work or did you magically wake up with a full face of makeup?" He chuckled as he came back into my arms and examined my face. I shook my head no and prepared myself for the annoucement I was going to make about the huge tour that was coming up in less then two months. "I did go to work...and I've got news.." I drawl and puff my cheeks to make a bubble in my mouth. "Thank god our wedding is next year because...I'm literally on tour all year long.." I say the last part so quickly that I myself didn't understand what I had said, but he did. "Oh, that's cool, uh..all year long? Like from when to when? Will I see you? What about our birthday?"

"From May to December. And I tried telling Luna about our birthday but she said she couldn't move it or whatever...I'm sorry baby. You're welcome to come with me, you know that, right?" I smile in hope and stroke his cheek softly. "I can't we're recording Demos for our next album. I'm sad we won't be together for our birthday though, Bill will be devastated." He sighs and allows his head to fall on my ribs with a loud humpf.

"Don't make this harder on me, I'm really sad about being without you, especially on birthdays. I have a break from the 30th of October until the 5th of december so we'll celebrate our birthday just a little later, right?" I explain to try to comfort more myself, than Tom, knowing that this was a pain in the ass and the tour would indeed be very tiring and tideous, travelling from country to country and them from contient to continent, I hadn't done it in two years and I had grown unused to it. I loved being able to perform in front of all the fans live but the struggle of being away from home and being nomadic was real and I always felt it whilst being on Tour. When I was in Tokio Hotel of course it was different and much more pleasant as I was with Tom and m all of my friends. This time, I'm solely with my brother. I know Tom and I will be able to work things out like we always do but I already know that this longer tour will affect him just as much as it'll affect me.

He was always understanding when I had photoshoots, interviews but when it came to being appart for months, then he was less happy about it. He tried coming with me a couple of times and it was great, expect this time he couldn't because "Kings of Surburbia", their new album had to be released by 2014 and I understood the struggle of choosing between demos and that the back and forthing with producers was annoying and time consuming. Especially since Tom was basically the one producing everything and putting everything together I knew he wouldn't be able to visit me for too long like I wanted him too.

"It'll be tiring for you baby, I'll still try to come with you when you come in Germany or any neighbor countries so that I can take a train back or something. If you go towards LA i'll come too, okay?" He suggested and looked up at me from his position on my chest. I smiled and nodded happily. "If you come I'll make you perform or open for me, okay baby?" I encouraged and kissed his adorable button nose.

"Yup," He echoed and smiled cutely with his cheeks pooffing up and hiding his brown eyes, just like a little kid and it was adorable. "Do you think I could play the demo I made with those LA Dj's?" He proposed happily. I thought about it for a second and realised that it wasn't a bad idea and it would definitely get the crowd pumped up for my show. "Yeah, that'd be great actually Tomi, good idea!" I smiled at him and kissed his lips longily, realising that he'll be away from me for a long period of time.

1776 words

2. Love & Death - Tom Kaulitzحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن