Chapter 19 : Embrace of Serpentine Joy

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A week had swiftly passed since the traumatic incident with the merman. Y/n had been gradually recovering, the physical and emotional wounds mending with each passing day. Lucas, ever the vigilant protector, rarely left her side. He held an almost possessive gaze, an unspoken promise to keep her safe.

One sunny afternoon, as Y/n and Serena chatted about trivial things, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over Y/n. She clutched her stomach, feeling an unusual sensation. Concern etched Serena's features as she noticed Y/n's discomfort.

Panicking, Serena hurriedly called for Lucas. Within moments, the imposing figure of the Naga leader appeared, his eyes flickering with worry. Serena explained Y/n's sudden illness, and without hesitation, Lucas instructed her to call the tribe's doctor.

The doctor, a wise and experienced figure, examined Y/n with a careful eye. As he finished his examination, a knowing smile crept across his face. He decided to keep the news to himself until Y/n regained consciousness.

When Y/n finally awoke, groggy and disoriented, Lucas and Serena were at her side. The doctor, still present, wore a warm smile. He gently informed them of the news that would change their lives – Y/n was pregnant.

The revelation hung in the air, a moment suspended in time. Y/n's eyes widened, mirroring Lucas's mixture of surprise and joy. Serena's face lit up with happiness, and the doctor offered his heartfelt congratulations.

Lucas, momentarily stunned, let the news sink in. His possessive demeanor softened into genuine warmth. He took Y/n's hand, his eyes locking with hers, and a shared understanding passed between them. They were about to embark on a new chapter of their lives, one that held both uncertainty and promise.

The news of Y/n's pregnancy hung in the air, a life-altering revelation that shifted the dynamics of their existence. As the Naga tribe doctor and Serena left them in the privacy of their cave (Serena wanting to tell her mate about this news went to him and their children), Y/n turned to Lucas, her eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and joy.

"Lucas," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion, "I'm going to be a mother."

Lucas, who had been momentarily stunned by the news, looked at her with a softness that belied his usual possessive demeanor. A slow smile crept across his face as he processed the enormity of the revelation.

"Our child," he said, his voice a gentle rumble, "our family is growing."

Y/n's eyes glistened with unshed tears. She reached for Lucas's hand, intertwining their fingers. "I never imagined... this. But I'm happy, Lucas. I'm happy that I will finally have a family of my own."

Lucas, usually a man of few words, found himself expressing emotions he hadn't known before. "Y/n," he began, his crimson eyes reflecting a mix of tenderness and determination, "I will protect you and our child. I swear."

Their shared gaze held promises and a silent understanding. The weight of the responsibility ahead was tempered by the genuine happiness that sparkled in their eyes.

Serena return,Selena's mate and their child joined the scene, congratulating Y/n and expressing excitement about a new addition to the extended Naga family. "Y/n, Lucas, this is wonderful news!" Serena and her mate exclaimed, Serena's eyes shining. "Your child will be a blessing to our tribe."

Lucas, usually stoic, nodded in agreement. "Our child will be strong, just like its mother," he said, his tone proud.

"I never thought I'd find a family here," Y/n admitted, her fingers tracing patterns on Lucas's strong arm. "But now, it feels like I belong."

Lucas pulled her closer, his tail gently encircling her. "You do belong, Y/n. And our child will have the love and protection of this tribe."

In the midst of laughter and well-wishes, Y/n and Lucas shared a tender moment. Lucas, who had been overly possessive and protective, now looked at Y/n with a mixture of love and anticipation. Y/n, overwhelmed by the support around her, felt a sense of belonging she had never experienced before.

As the news of Y/n's pregnancy resonated through the cave, Lucas wasted no time. His deep voice echoed through the chambers, summoning the tribe to the meeting place in the town area. The urgency in his tone was palpable, leaving no room for delay.

The tribe gathered swiftly, drawn by the gravity of Lucas's summons. The central area buzzed with anticipation as Naga tribe members exchanged curious glances. It was unusual for a meeting to be called with such urgency.

When Lucas and Y/n arrived at the meeting place, the tribe fell into a hushed silence. The tension in the air was thick, and all eyes were on the couple. The flickering torches cast dancing shadows on the faces of the expectant Naga.

Lucas, usually a man of few words, stood at the forefront, his crimson eyes scanning the crowd. The air crackled with an unspoken announcement. Y/n, standing by his side, held onto his hand, a mixture of nervousness and excitement coursing through her.

"My fellow tribe members," Lucas began, his voice commanding attention, "today is a day of great joy and celebration."

The crowd leaned forward, curiosity etched on every face.

"Y/n and I," Lucas continued, a rare warmth softening his usually stoic expression, "are expecting a child."

The announcement hung in the air for a moment before registering with the tribe. And then, a collective gasp echoed through the gathering, followed by a wave of cheers and applause.

The atmosphere transformed into one of jubilation. The tribe, elated by the unexpected news, erupted into celebration. Naga of all ages congratulated Lucas and Y/n, sharing hugs and well-wishes. The night echoed with laughter, music, and the rhythmic beat of tail drums.

The central area became a spontaneous festival ground. Naga brought forth fruits and sweet treats, sharing their joy through communal feasting. Torches illuminated the joyous faces of the tribe members, their scales reflecting the flickering light.

Lucas, despite his usually reserved demeanor, found himself caught up in the festivities. He exchanged smiles and nods with fellow Naga, acknowledging the shared happiness. Y/n, still processing the rapid turn of events, was surrounded by well-wishers who congratulated her with genuine warmth.

The night unfolded into a celebration of life, family, and the unity of the Naga tribe. As Lucas and Y/n navigated through the sea of festivities, the possessive Naga leader found a new dimension to his commitment—the protection and happiness of his growing family.

Published - 19 Nov 2023

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