Chapter 162 (Roche)

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Roche trudged towards the library well past nightfall, her back aching from hours bent in the laundry room, scrubbing at the clothes she'd dutifully neglected that week. She didn't mind the work, it meant that she didn't have to look at Tigris.

Roche nearly snorted as she neared the large doors of the library. She didn't understand how Tigris could doubt Verita's loyalty so easily. Hadn't the old woman done enough for her father to warrant some trust?

Roche shook her head, tugging the door open. Eris was becoming more than just an irritating presence in court, she was now actively twisting Tigris' mind with their blood ties. It was going to be a challenge to keep Tigris from listening to her aunt's words and to let her continue listening to her heart.

Roche sighed, moving to enter the library. It was a tiring job, but it was hers all the same. She wouldn't fail Tigris, not so soon into her reign.

A single set of footsteps echoed behind her, and Roche whirled around, peering into the hall. The regal flourish of a pale, rich gown alerted her to the approaching noble, and Roche barely had the time to school her scowl into a pleasant expression as Eris turned the corner. The noblewoman's eyes latched onto Roche and widened in surprise.

"Ah, Roche! Just who I was looking for!" Eris said cheerfully, as if she hadn't accused Roche's guardian of treason a few hours ago.

Roche forced a simpering smile onto her face, curtsying as required. "What brings you here, Lady Eris?"

Eris tucked a dark curl behind her ear, a playful light dancing across her features. It was similar to the look Tigris would often give to recalcitrant nobles when she wanted them to feel special. Suspicion instantly flared within her as Eris leaned closer, conspiratorially.

"I was wondering if you could deliver a message to your friend Kai and see if he's free tomorrow. I think Tigris could do with some time with him, she's been working hard recently." Eris said, holding up a carefully rolled scroll.

Roche worried her lip between her teeth, scrutinising Eris' face thoughtfully as she tried to determine the woman's play. There had to be something Eris was up to. Yes, it was true Tigris had been working hard, but there was something cunning in the noblewoman's eyes that made Roche hesitate.

Noting the pause, Eris deflated slightly. "I could go find him myself. Could you tell me where he is?"

Alarm instantly shot through Roche. There was no way she was letting Kai near this woman. She instantly let the door swing shut behind her.

"It won't be an issue. I'd be pleased to assist," Roche answered, her voice sickly sweet. Eris didn't seem to notice and simply handed over the page with apparent relief. Roche discreetly coated the page with inkblood, feeling even more wary when she didn't sense any enchantment on the page.

What was Eris up to?

"Thank you, Roche," Eris called as she walked away, "Have a good night!"

Roche bit back a scoff before repeating the message back, discomfort squirming in her gut like a ball of writhing snakes. She carefully broke the seal on the letter, reading its contents. As Eris had claimed, it was a missive to Kai that requested his schedule to arrange a pleasant evening out with Tigris. An official date, to summarise. Roche rolled the paper back up, resealing the page with a flicker of inkblood as she stalked out into the dimly lit streets in search of Kai's home.

Kai was half asleep when he answered the door, wearing only a thin set of trousers. He blearily accepted the letter from Roche and offered to let her have something to drink, but his words were so groggy that Roche could barely understand him. Roche let the poor, exhausted man return to his rest before returning to the castle.

Her mind whirred as she made her way back to the library. She needed to talk to Verita about Eris. There had to be some way to determine what the lady was hiding.

Roche locked the library doors behind her as she always did and made her way to Verita's chambers. Her mouth was watering imagining dinner. She didn't care if it was bland Faultless stew, she was hungry enough to eat the flavourless muck.

"Verita!" she called as she swung open the door, distantly noticing that it wasn't locked, "Did you see-"

Roche's words died in her throat. Their chambers had never been orderly by any means, but never had it looked so dishevelled. Papers and books were strewn across the floor, some of the more ancient texts fluttering next to a cracked open window. All the candles were burned to stubs, many of which had been tipped over like they'd been thrown.

Roche's gaze travelled across the floor, noticing a scrap of fabric snagged on the splintered leg of a chair. She fell to her knees beside the small square that dangled limply. The fabric was thin and tattered, such a familiar shade of grey that Roche's breath left her in a rush.

Verita's cloak.

"Verita?" she called again, panic building in her like a storm when no response came. She flung open the doors to the library, screaming, "Verita!"

No response came.

Roche leaned against the door, her inkblood roiling within her as she descended into frantic panic.

Verita was gone.

A/N: Sorry for the late update everyone!

This chapter is pretty short, but yeesh, looks like Verita managed to disappear. Any guesses as to what happened to her?

As always, happy reading!

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