Chapter 161 (Tigris)

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The days after the coronation were some of the most hectic days of Tigris' life. In a way, she appreciated the busyness, it kept her from thinking of her father too often. The sharp blade of grief still bit into her heart, but she was able to push it away with the constant meetings, knightings, court reshufflings, and paperwork.

So. Much. Paperwork.

Tigris wasn't sure she might have done without Roche, Kai, Aodh, and Eris. The former two helped Tigris with all of her paperwork and kept her sane while Eris and Aodh helped her manage the unruly court. It was taking time to diplomatically deal with some of her father's older nobles who didn't want to recognise her as queen. Aodh and Eris' smooth words paired with some sweet talking from Tigris was all that kept the court from imploding. It would take some time before she could have a full court of those who recognised her as queen.

It took a few weeks until Eris broached the painful subject that Tigris had been trying to avoid. They were in her chambers, sorting through sheafs of documents ratifying her transfer to power.

"Niece," Eris said, her voice somber and hesitant in a way that instantly put Tigris on edge, "Have you given any thought to the Ala?"

Across the room, Roche sucked in an audible breath. Tigris pressed her lips together, her heart aching painfully.

"Every goddamn day," Tigris admitted, "But the knights found no sign of her. My position is too precarious to waste more resources on a manhunt."

Eris nodded, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "I didn't want to upset you," she mused aloud, "But there is a chance that the Ala did not work alone."

Tigris felt confusion stir within her like a shifting mound of sand.

"Eris, my court has been carefully checked. There's no inkblood among them," Tigris found herself saying.

Eris shook her head. "Among the new court, maybe. But the old court has yet to be checked."

"None of them suggested the Ala," Tigris pointed out. Eris' lips thinned, her eyes glowing regretfully.

"And yet, it was one of them who called her here," she pointed out.

The words sucked the air out of the room. Tigris was suddenly very aware of Roche's presence in the corner of her chambers. She saw the maid looking absolutely gobsmacked in the corner of her vision.

Tigris lifted a brow. "You think Verita has turned against us?" she asked, the words feeling false the moment they left her lips. A small chuckle slipped past her lips. "Verita has served my father and I faithfully for years."

Eris still looked distressed. She leaned over the edge of the study, fidgeting with the ends of her chestnut hair in discomfort.

"It brings me no joy to suggest this, Tigris," Eris told her, her face drawn with severity, "But how did Verita even have a way to contact the Ala? Consorting with inkbloods is illegal."

Tigris opened her mouth to defend the librarian, but the words caused a seed of doubt to fall loose in her mind. She hadn't questioned how Verita had been able to contact the Ala so quickly. She blinked in surprise.

"The king asked Verita to keep tabs on all the librarians in the vicinity of the Faultless Kingdom," Roche piped up from the corner of the room, her voice even. The maid glared openly at Eris, "She was told to track the Ala."

Eris cocked her head. "Yes, but keeping tabs on librarians is different from having direct communications with them." she spoke slowly, like Roche was a child. Roche's cheeks flushed red. Tigris sat up straighter, sensing an impudent response forming on the maid's lips.

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