Note to self: never drink wine again.

"You alright there?" Lucas asks with a cocky grin.

I shake my head before quickly nodding. I feel flustered and confused as to why my mind decided to debut an R-rated movie starring Lucas Handler and myself. Is this Lucas' doing or not? Get it together, Talia. This is Lucas. The Ass Lucas.

"Begging is not really my thing." I purse my lips which catches Lucas' attention.

"No, it certainly is not," he says as his eyes come back up to meet mine. He sits back in his seat with a contemplative expression.

For a moment, we both just sit here, maintaining eye contact and not saying anything. There is undoubtedly something charged between us. Some strange electric current is pulling me in. It's the same feeling I experienced the first night I met Lucas back at Harvard. While I was dating my ex-boyfriend Gary at the time, there's something about that night, specifically the time he and I talked, that always stuck with me.

My server swings by and lets me know that Matteo isn't going to be able to join me after all, but the meal is on the house.

"Oh, wonderful." Lucas smiles and glances at the server. "Can we add some of those calamari rings to the order? Actually whatever the chef recommends is great." He jerks his head as if he just remembered a very important detail. "And by any chance did Matteo need to call his mom?"

I scrunch my nose, trying to hold back my laugh, and lightly kicked Lucas under the table. He lets out an "Ow" and leans down for his shin before I let the server know that's all.

"I don't recall saying you could join me for dinner," I say with playful exasperation.

"But you kind of did. Remember the whole Tiffany thing and you secretly wanting my company?"

I shake my head and laugh. "Oh my God, get over yourself. I think we'll be spending enough time together over the next four months."

"Well, it's been two days and we haven't killed each other yet. I'd say that's a good sign and we're crushing this whole co-presidency thing."

"Don't speak too soon."

Our server places a bread basket before us. "More wine?" he asks.

"Yes," Lucas says just as I say, "No." The server looks toward Lucas and nods before seemingly off to get another bottle of wine.

I sigh and call out to the server before he can get too far, "Slightly chilled, please."

Lucas' lips quirk a little before he shakes his head. "I just think it's important to get to know each other a bit more since we'll be working together so much. Don't you think?" he says while grabbing a piece of bread and buttering it up.

"Oh please. I already know everything I need to know about you."

"Tell me then. What do you know about me?" He leans forward and tilts his head to the side. His freckles are more visible up close.

"Hmm. What do I know about Lucas Handler?" I pause, mentally picking up The Lucas File, which has 'Do Not Open' postings all over it. "For starters, you live and breathe golf."

"Well, I don't know about that. It's more of a hobby than an obsession," Lucas adds before I can continue.

"What else? Hmmm." My mind dusts off another sheet in the file. "You're wealthy and you've been wealthy your whole life."

"I mean no objections there." His shoulders perk up to reach his ears briefly and he smiles. "But why do you say it like it's a bad thing? Aren't you rich too?"

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