It was so stupid in her mind, that she went up against the enemy without any armor to defend herself or long-range weapons. She was able to fly meters above the ground at high speeds with little issue.

Yet she was petrified of this weird machine from another world.

Her gear lay by her feet, secured to the floor, but that was little comfort.

Even more annoying, she didn't even have to look at the scientist to her immediate left to know she was enjoying every single second of the ordeal.

The rumbling then relaxed slightly, and she felt her stomach drop without moving somehow.

Are we-?

"Ha-ha! Moblit! Look out the window! We're airborne! Truly airborne!" the girl yelled, the radio picking it up and broadcasting it for the whole cabin to hear, much to the amusement of the imperials and irritation of all the scouts.

Hanji was probably the only one visibly enjoying herself.

What the hell is so exciting about being in the air?! We're constantly flying around and with much more control over where we go! Oh-

Moblit hid it well, but the feeling of being airborne without actually being able to control how high or fast or really anything else made the scout feel nauseous.

The rest of the Survey Corps veterans were either stone-faced, forcing a calm demeanor, or simply unmoving as the machine took off into the air.

High above the strange structure, then the tall trees, and then they were able to see for miles ahead.

"Alright, Hillclimber, proceed southwest until Wall Maria is visible."

Hanji wondered why the pilots kept repeating their mission objectives but decided it could wait, enjoying the view. She saw one of the smaller helicopters, the ones with big guns, fly next to them before pulling back, probably to form a formation of their own.

Like us, but different… fascinating.

Plenty of titans were visible under them and in the distance.

Some saw them and started to follow them.

Better to keep them off their base…

The late afternoon sun still shone as they made their way to the ruined district where the crisis had begun almost five years prior.

Just as it began to turn into the evening sun, glowing orange, the massive structure of the walls came into view.

Roy stared in amazement. All the recon ops the Sorcerous Empire had managed to send through before the main force entered had only managed to travel a few miles away before having to pull back, never seeing the walls.

They stretched from one end of the horizon to the next, making the Great Wall of the Former Holy Kingdom look like a sand castle. The imperial officer begin to realize just how little they know about this world.

How long did it take them to build something like that?

Surely it had taken them centuries to do so, but if the Titans had only appeared a little more than a hundred years prior, why build them? Did someone know about their threat and plan ahead?

Or was there some otherworldly technique they were unaware of? How do they made those huge walls?

He was forced to push those thoughts aside as the helicopters landed on the top of the outermost wall, just above the breach.

Erwin exited as the whirling blades began to slow and the whinnying engine began to die down, his soldiers following through.

The imperials hopped out of the smaller crafts and others did something he considered somewhat odd, they got on their knees, looking down their rifles as if there were hostiles nearby.

Sorcerous empire in the Attack on Titan worldWhere stories live. Discover now