Apologies and Acceptance

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Ron gradually stirred from unconsciousness, surrounded by the comforting hum of healing potions in the Hospital Wing. Enchanted lights cast a gentle glow, creating a haven of warmth and peace.

The air held the lingering fragrance of potions, and the soft rustle of curtains provided a soothing background to the unfolding scene. Faint footsteps echoed through the castle corridors, connecting Ron to the vast, magical world beyond.

A persistent ache throbbed through his body, accompanied by a sharp twinge on his left side. Shifting, he sensed a coarse texture against his back—unpleasant but not painful. Blinking against the soft light, he discovered a reassuring weight on his right arm, fingers lightly grazing his left. As he turned his head, a serious figure with ginger hair came into view—Percy.

"Percy?" Ron croaked, noting Percy's disheveled appearance. Red-rimmed eyes betrayed a departure from his usual composed demeanor.

"Ron, you're awake!" voices chimed in from his other side.

Turning, he identified Fred and George. Despite their mischievous glints, pale faces and unkempt hair hinted at an underlying concern. Uncharacteristically, George seemed on the verge of tears.

Percy, the first to speak, expressed remorse. "Oh, Ron, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I didn't keep a close enough eye on you. I promised Mum I'd look out for you."

Ron furrowed his brow in confusion. "Sorry? For what?"

"You don't remember, Ron?" Fred's hushed whisper cut through the air. "Professor McGonagall said you encountered the troll."

The troll. Ron inhaled sharply as memories flooded back, prompting him to sit up.

"Oi, take it easy!" George gently pushed him back. "The troll took a toll on you. Madame Pomfrey has advised against exerting yourself for some time."

"Harry and Hermione made it back to the tower. They're shaken, of course, but unharmed," Percy mentioned, visibly swallowing. "You're the one who ended up in the Hospital Wing."

"Good. That's good." Ron tried to inject some humor. "I didn't expect to actually have to grapple with a troll."

Percy snapped furiously. "You risked your life, Ron! Against a fully grown mountain troll! Experienced wizards have lost their lives facing such creatures! Miraculously, you emerged unscathed!"

Before Ron could make another quip, the curtains parted, revealing Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Madame Pomfrey. The room momentarily bathed in a soft glow, and the atmosphere shifted as the three authoritative figures entered.

"Ah, Mr. Weasley, good that you're awake," the Mediwitch said kindly, placing a covered tray on Ron's bedside table. She nodded to the older Weasley boys. "I understand that you wish to stay with your brother, but the hour is growing late, and Mr. Weasley needs sufficient rest."

Before they could voice their protest, the brothers fell silent under McGonagall's stern gaze. "This is not up for negotiation. You may see Ronald tomorrow morning if you wish, but for now, he needs rest."

"Perc, Fred, George, it's fine, really." Ron gave them a weak smile. "I'll see you all tomorrow?"After a few seconds of reluctance, the older Weasleys relented, with George giving Ron a gentle pat on the head before leaving him with the three adult wizards.

After the brothers left, the room returned to its earlier state of quiet. "Now that that's settled," Pomfrey began after bringing out her wand, "how are you feeling, Mr. Weasley?" The magical atmosphere in the room seemed to shift again as Madame Pomfrey, with her no-nonsense demeanor, prepared to assess Ron's condition.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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