Onboard the Friendship Train

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Ron settled comfortably into his seat, his face adorned with a friendly grin, freckles dancing across his cheeks like constellations in the night sky. He shifted his gaze towards Harry, his voice filled with warmth and camaraderie. "I don't believe I introduced myself," Ron began, extending a hand of friendship. "I'm Ronald Weasley, but you can call me Ron."

In that fleeting moment of hesitation, Harry's emerald eyes held a hint of uncertainty, as if he were cautiously navigating the waters of a new encounter. With a quiet and cautious tone, he introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Harry Potter."

Ron's heart constricted painfully as he observed Harry's reaction. He couldn't begin to comprehend the tremendous burden that Harry carried—the ceaseless attention, the scrutiny, and the reverence that so many had for him due to his survival of the unthinkable loss of his parents. Ron was determined not to repeat the insensitivity he had shown in his past life when he had thoughtlessly asked to see Harry's scar.

An overwhelming urge to address the matter, to offer solace to his newfound friend, welled up within Ron. After a brief moment of contemplation, he spoke softly, a tentative but genuinely sympathetic smile gracing his face. "I just wanted to say," he began, his voice gentle, "I'm very sorry for your loss."

Harry, taken aback by this unexpected expression of empathy, blinked his vivid green eyes at Ron, a look of adorable bewilderment crossing his features.

Ron continued, feeling a bit awkward but resolute in his desire to convey his heartfelt sympathy. "When I heard about what had happened—for the first time—about your encounter with Voldemort, your scar, and how you're famous and everything, I couldn't help but think about how much you've sacrificed for the wizarding world." Ron cleared his throat, pushing through the discomfort. "So I just wanted to offer my condolences. For your parents. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must have been for you to lose them."

In Harry's eyes, a whirlwind of emotions danced, their depths shimmering like the surface of a hidden lake.

"You're the first person to ever say that to me," Harry whispered, his voice quivering with emotion.

Worried that he might have inadvertently offended Harry, Ron spoke quietly, his concern evident in his eyes. "I hope I haven't overstepped."

Harry's response came swiftly, his words sincere and deeply felt. "No," he said, blinking back the moisture in his eyes and clearing his throat. "No. Um, thank you. Everyone is always going on about my scar and thanking me... Thank you for being considerate." A soft, watery laugh escaped him, as they smiled at each other.

Ron made an effort to lighten the atmosphere, sensing that the conversation had taken a somewhat somber turn. "I'm so excited to start school," he exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm. "What subjects are you looking forward to?"

Harry, still a bit reserved, ducked his head shyly. "Um, maybe Charms?" he replied tentatively. "I don't really know yet. I don't really know much about Hogwarts. I only just found out I was a wizard a few months ago."

"Really?" Ron responded, his tone understanding and supportive. "No worries, I can recommend some books to you, you know, to introduce you to the wizarding world. And I could also answer any questions you have? I'll bring you up to speed in no time!"

Harry's eyes brightened with an adorable, hopeful smile. "Really? You'd do that?"

Ron grinned warmly in response. "Of course, mate. We're friends now, aren't we? You're stuck with me now," he teased, as they both laughed.

"Um, could you tell me about the 4 houses?" Harry asked.

"Of course," Ron replied with a friendly smile. He then proceeded to patiently explain to Harry about the four houses of Hogwarts.

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