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Later that day, Ron and Harry ventured towards Hagrid's humble hut, nestled just outside the castle near the imposing Forbidden Forest. The hut's rustic appearance stood in stark contrast to the grandeur of Hogwarts, but it held a unique charm of its own.

When they arrived, Harry climbed the rickety wooden stairs to knock on Hagrid's door. It creaked open slightly, revealing Hagrid's friendly yet imposing face, framed by his wild beard and unruly hair.

"Ah, hang on," he greeted them warmly but with a hint of disarray. "Back, Fang!"

Fang, Hagrid's enormous black dog, was eager to greet the visitors. His massive paws thudded heavily on the wooden floor as he bounded around Ron and Harry, slobbering and wagging his tail furiously.

After a moment, Hagrid managed to hold onto Fang's collar and ushered Ron and Harry inside his cluttered abode. The hut was filled with an eclectic assortment of items, from a suspended leg of ham to curious bird specimens, and the aroma of something brewing in a large kettle.

"Make yerselves at home," Hagrid invited warmly, his voice resonating like thunder. He released Fang, who continued to investigate and slobber affectionately over Ron and Harry.

Hagrid then prepared tea for his guests, complete with rock cakes on the side. Ron eyed the baked goods warily, recalling his past experiences with Hagrid's less-than-perfect baking. Harry, however, bravely took a bite, though his facial contortions hinted at the challenge it posed to his taste buds.

As they sipped tea and chatted, Hagrid inquired about their experiences at Hogwarts. Harry shared his concerns about Professor Snape, which led to a conversation about the challenges of certain professors.

Hagrid's eyes twinkled as he began to reminisce about the days when Charlie Weasley, Ron's older brother, attended Hogwarts. "Charlie was a fine lad," Hagrid said with a fond smile. "Always had a way with creatures, he did. He used to help me out here in the forest, tending to the magical creatures and learning about dragons."

Ron beamed with pride at the mention of his brother. "Charlie's doing well," he replied. "He's working with dragons in Romania, having the time of his life."

Hagrid's face lit up even more at the news. "Dragons in Romania, you say? Now that's an adventure! Charlie always had a knack for handling them. Tell him I said hello if you write to him!"

The conversation about dragons continued, with Ron sharing fascinating anecdotes about Charlie's daring encounters with these magnificent creatures. Harry listened in fascination, caught up in the captivating tales of dragon wrangling and fire-breathing adventures.

While Hagrid was deep in conversation about dragons, Harry's eyes wandered around the cluttered hut. It was then that he spotted a newspaper, its headline detailing the Gringotts break-in. The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning.

"Hagrid!" Harry exclaimed, his voice tinged with urgency. "That Gringotts break-in happened on my birthday! It might've been happening while we were there!"

Hagrid's demeanor shifted suddenly, his usually jovial expression turning guarded. Ron, too, remained silent, observing the exchange with a sense of unease. Hagrid Seemed eager to divert their focus. His reaction was almost palpable; he hastily reached for the newspaper, his giant hand enveloping it.
In an awkward attempt to change the subject, Hagrid laughed heartily. "Ah, just some news from the Daily Prophet, nothing' to worry about. More tea, anyone?"

After their visit, Hagrid insisted that Ron and Harry take some of his infamous rock cakes with them. He believed they enjoyed them, despite their obvious reluctance. With a final goodbye and a wave from Hagrid, they made their way back towards Hogwarts, leaving behind the cozy yet enigmatic hut and the secrets it held.

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