Early Morning Adventures

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The next morning at Hogwarts, Ron awoke to the soft, gentle glow of dawn seeping through the curtains, casting a warm, golden hue in the dormitory. Anticipation for the new school year had roused Ron from his slumber at the remarkably early hour of 5 am. He knew from experience that the first day back at Hogwarts usually consisted of introductory sessions held after lunch, leaving the entire morning unoccupied. Eager to maintain his routine from the Burrow, Ron decided to stick to his familiar morning rituals.

Carefully, Ron slipped out of his bed, taking extra care not to disturb his still-sleeping roommates. The wooden floor beneath his feet creaked ever so slightly as he moved silently. Being an early riser was a habit instilled in him by growing up in a bustling household where every moment was precious.

Making his way to the bathroom shared with other Gryffindor students, Ron couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about the new school year. The bathroom was dimly lit, and the distant sounds of other early risers preparing for the day echoed softly from the floors above.

Standing by the sink, Ron splashed his face with refreshing water, instantly banishing any lingering traces of sleepiness. He reached for his toothbrush, commencing his morning ritual. It was during this mundane act that an unexpected guest made an entrance.

The bathroom door inched open slowly, revealing Harry Potter, who entered with a heavy yawn and a groggy expression. Harry's unruly hair was even messier than usual, and he seemed to be navigating on autopilot as he shuffled straight towards the toilet. The unexpected presence of his roommate in the bathroom startled both of them.

Harry looked up, surprise etched across his face, as if he hadn't expected to see anyone else up so early. "What are you doing up so early, Ron?" Harry asked, still half-asleep.

Ron, toothbrush still in hand, couldn't help but smile at the encounter. "I exercise every morning. It's a good habit," he replied, giving his friend a reassuring grin.

As Ron observed Harry's somewhat frail appearance, he realized that Harry had likely suffered from years of mistreatment at the hands of the Dursleys. It occurred to him that Harry needed more than just a good diet to regain his strength and vitality. "You want to join me? I'm just going for a run around the Quidditch pitch," Ron suggested. "It'll be good for you. I've read that exercising helps expand your magical core and grow better, which is probably why I'm so tall."

Harry's eyes brightened with interest, and he nodded eagerly. "I want to become taller too. Wait for me!"

The prospect of growing taller and stronger had clearly piqued Harry's interest, and he was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

Together, they quickly got dressed in their workout clothes, with Harry making do with Dudley's old, oversized attire. They then headed downstairs, chatting about the benefits of exercise along the way. Harry couldn't help but voice his curiosity. "Will exercising really help me grow taller?"

With a confident nod, Ron assured him, "Yes, of course. Along with a good diet and some nutrient supplement potions, you can grow better. I'll take you to the hospital wing after breakfast to pick up some of those potions."

Harry's eyes shone with anticipation, and a broad smile spread across his face as he looked forward to the chance of gaining height.

When they finally arrived at the Quidditch pitch, it was still relatively empty, save for a few older students who had made the most of the early morning hours to engage in their morning routines. Ron spotted Cedric Diggory, one of his fellow Quidditch players, chatting with a couple of friends nearby and waved to him. "Hey Ron! Here for a run? And who's your friend?" Cedric asked, casting a curious glance at Harry.

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