Drama on the Express

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The train continued its journey through the enchanting English countryside, whisking past fields adorned with cows and sheep. The gentle sway of the train and the rhythmic clattering of the tracks added to the soothing ambiance of the countryside. Ron and Harry, their stomachs satisfied and spirits high, gazed out the window at the pastoral scenes unfolding before them.

As Ron and Harry continued their conversation on the train, the topic shifted to Hedwig, Harry's new snowy owl. Harry gently took her out of her cage, allowing her to bask in the attention, while Ron, with a fond smile, stroked her feathers and offered her some apricots and berries from the leftover salad. Hedwig preened contentedly under the dual affection.

"She's gorgeous, Harry," Ron remarked with genuine admiration. "All I've got is this fat rat, Scabbers," he added with a hint of thinly veiled disgust. "I got him from Percy." Ron went on to explain, "I usually get stuck with all the hand-me-downs," he admitted. "But I had to put my foot down when it came to my wand and school supplies."

Ron shared his triumph in an international chess tournament and explained how he had used the prize money to buy his new school supplies. Harry's eyes filled with admiration as he responded, "Wow, first place in an international competition? You're amazing, Ron! I haven't won a single thing in my life." Harry, who had never played chess, expressed his curiosity about the game.

Ron's face lit up with enthusiasm. "I could teach you when we get to Hogwarts; it's loads of fun!" he offered, eager to share his passion for chess.

As Harry began to open up about his own life, he explained how he had never had any money until a month ago. He shared stories of wearing Dudley's old clothes and never receiving proper birthday presents. Harry's intention was to make Ron feel better about his family's financial situation, but instead, it ignited a fiery indignation within Ron.

"I can't imagine what that would have been like, Harry," Ron said sincerely, his voice laced with empathy. "No one deserves to be treated like this." He felt a surge of protective determination. "Even though I have hand-me-downs, I always got birthday presents and had clothes that fit! Well, you've got me now, and I'm gonna make sure you get presents every year and.." Ron continued.

Harry's expression reflected the depth of emotion he felt in response to Ron's heartfelt indignation and determination to make his life better. As he listened to Ron's words, his eyes shimmered with a mixture of gratitude, humility, and a touch of wonder. It was as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and he felt a genuine connection with Ron, a bond forged in empathy and shared experiences.

There was a softness in Harry's gaze, a vulnerability that rarely surfaced in his interactions with others. He didn't need to hide his past or pretend to be someone he wasn't in front of Ron. Instead, he could be himself, and Ron's genuine concern and friendship were like a soothing balm for his soul.

Their tender moment was abruptly interrupted by a commotion in the corridor outside. The sliding compartment door opened, revealing a cheerful, dimpled woman who greeted them with a warm smile. She was pushing a trolley laden with an array of colorful, enticing treats, all of which were new and fascinating to Harry.

Harry sprang to his feet with enthusiasm, his desire to reciprocate Ron's kindness evident. "Now's my chance to pay you back for lunch, Ron!" he exclaimed, tugging Ron towards the snack cart. Ron chuckled, amused by Harry's eagerness.

As Harry perused the assortment of magical sweets and treats on the cart, his eyes widened with wonder. The cart held a treasure trove of delectable items that he had never encountered before. Ron, who was more familiar with wizarding candies, shared his own preferences and made recommendations.

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