The voice, unmistakably her father's, becomes clearer with each passing moment. It speaks in fragments of memories, recollections etched in the fabric of her childhood. The timbre is both comforting and chilling, a paradoxical symphony that resonates within the recesses of her mind.

"Petra," The voice echoes, reverberating through the corridors of her consciousness.

The director calls for another take, but Petra, caught in the grip of this spectral presence, struggles to delineate between the scripted lines and the haunting whispers. Her scarlet eyes, once a manifestation of power, now betray a vulnerability that renders her performance raw and unfiltered.

As the scene progresses, Petra's grip on reality seems to slip. The voice intertwines with the dialogue, a surreal duet that blurs the boundaries between fiction and the fragments of her fractured psyche. The cast and crew, unaware of the silent turmoil within Petra, watch as the scene unfolds with an eerie authenticity.

Cutting through the hum of the set, her father's voice becomes a directive, a command that pierces through the layers of her consciousness.

"Remember," it urges, a beckoning to the roots of her identity.

In a rare moment of respite between takes, Petra retreats to her dressing room, seeking solace in the silence that follows the storm of performance. The voice, however, persists, its presence echoing off the walls like a haunting melody.

"I'm not here," Petra whispers to herself, her hands gripping the edges of the makeup table as if seeking an anchor in the tumultuous sea of her own mind.

But her father's voice, a relentless specter, refuses to fade. Memories long buried resurface with an unyielding force, flashing before her eyes like a series of fragmented images. A childhood laughter, a bedtime story, the gentle guidance of a father's hand—all woven into the dissonance of her current reality.

Petra's eyes, now unshielded by the façade of a superhero, mirror the turmoil within. As the shooting day progresses, the distinction between the script and her father's voice blurs further. Scenes that were once routine become a battleground between the imagined and the tangible.

The climax of the episode approaches, a crescendo of tension and drama. As Petra faces the climactic scene, her father's voice reaches a crescendo, its resonance drowning out the director's instructions. The scarlet glow intensifies, an involuntary response to the surging waves of emotions.

Petra's descent into the shadows of her own mind becomes a relentless journey, an odyssey marked by the haunting cadence of her father's voice.

Days on set unfold like a fever dream, each scene a precarious tightrope walk between the scripted reality and the ghostly whispers that echo within Petra's consciousness. The cast and crew, initially oblivious to the tempest raging within their lead supe, gradually sense an unsettling undercurrent beneath her gaze.

The spectral voice, once a distant murmur, now becomes a cacophony that reverberates through Petra's waking hours and infiltrates her dreams. Sleep, once a refuge, transforms into a battleground where the boundaries between the imagined and the real blur with malevolent intent.

In the stillness of the night, as Petra lies in the solitude of her suite, the voice becomes a symphony of fragmented memories. Her father's laughter, the lullabies that once cradled her to sleep, now mutate into dissonant chords that erode the foundations of her sanity.

She gazes into the mirror, seeing not the superhero who graced the screens but a fractured soul unraveling at the seams. The scarlet glow, tinged with shadows, betrays the toll of the unseen battle she wages.

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