{ Chapter 1 }

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Music pounded through the dimly lit house. Some drunk teens danced against each other while others were in corners making out. I mentally groaned as I finished my descent down the stairs then pushed my way through the crowd into the kitchen.

I crossed my arms as I stared at my lovely twin brother who was flinging balls into red solo cups. I walked over before catching one of the flying ping pong balls. "Oh come on Avalon! I was gonna make that." My brother drunkenly whined as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah sure you were Asher and I have a million dollars." I said sarcastically before I handed the ball back to my brother. "You get to clean this in the morning, I want no part of your messes." I turned on my heels before I made my way out of the kitchen and through the glass patio door.

Shutting the door behind me with a sigh, I made my way over to the glistening pool and sat down, sipping my toes into the warm water. The patio doors opening and shutting made my blood boil. "Asher I came out here for some peace-" My words stopped as I saw a familiar face.

"What are you doing here Ezra? Don't you have some cheerleader to be fucking right now?" My words laced with venom as they left my mouth, earning a deep chuckle from the black curly haired man child making his way over to me.

"Nah that's tomorrow night, right now I'm coming to grace you with my presence." He cheekily smiled before he sat next to me, taking his shoes off and putting his feet in the pool. "Also your brother broke a lamp in the living room" Ezra leaned over, whispering into my ear. "I thought I'd let you know princess."

I huffed and nudged him away with right arm. "Why can't you bother someone else? Like anyone besides me?" I asked while I faced the water, moving my legs back and forth. He sighed deeply before he spoke.

"Well because I have a favor to ask you."I shook my head before he could talk any further. "Absolutely not. The last time I did a favor for you, I ended up with a broken ankle." I turned away from him before he grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"If not for me, do it for my mom." That snapped my head towards him. "What about Vera? Is she okay? Is chemo-" Ezra shook his head and looked now before he spoke. "No chemo stopped working 3 months ago. Look I promised her that I would get my shit together before she goes." My heart broke hearing those words.

Ezra and my brother had been friends since we were kids and when our parents died, Vera had acted like a mother to us. "So what does this have to do with me?" I questioned him wearily of what he would say next. Ezra looked up at me before sighing.

"I need you to be my girlfriend." I laughed before covering my mouth. "You fucking hilarious. You got jokes." I began to get up but he grabbed my hand, keeping me in place.

"Look, I don't mean seriously. I need you to pretend. I promised mom I would settle down with someone and not fuck up anymore. She already loves you so what could go wrong." I looked at him like he just told me he ran over a baby.

"I'd rather saw my own hands off." I spat at him and looked at him with daggers shooting his way. Ezra groaned before he looked at me with almost pleading eyes.

"Avalon I will do anything.. and I mean anything if you do this for me." His words sounded genuine and sincere, not a trace of malice in sight. I crossed my arms and pondered for a moment.

"Anything?" I asked, suspicious of how true his word his before Ezra quickly nodded, his breath sounded like it hitched.

"Fine I'll do it."


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