Chapter 9

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After arriving on the surface, we met this Goron who told us some history about Skyloft and other stuff that the other Kokiri and I didn't really fully understand. And when Link touched this weird starchy thingy, he disappeared and the rest of us were left to wait for him to return.

"So how long do you think it will be before he returns?" Fado asked.

"Don't know," I responded.

"While we wait, I'm going to take a look around." Saria said disappearing in the grass. A few minutes later she reappeared. "Girls, come on! I need help."

Saria then ran to another part of the area with us following where we paled, before growling upon seeing a Moblin going to the exit while carrying a cage filled with 7 birds. Luckily it didn't have a shield, but by the way it was looking at the cage and licking its lips that was because it had caught the birds for food, and could not carry both. It did however still have its weapon.

"We need to save those birds!" Saria cried.

"Right!" we called, Fado breathing lightning that made the Moblin drop the cage, breaking it, and setting the birds free.

The Moblin stabbed at Fado, only for Musoa to dart between them and harden, causing the spear to snap, allowing Gufia to stun it with a blast of wind to the face, that Ririo added fire too, to make it much more damaging, as Lihoi got close and scratched the Moblin, allowing us to attack until it was destroyed. Not seeing Link, we decided to take a nap while waiting with me and Saria in a cuddle puddle.

Though we both shared the same dream:

It started out with happy memories of the forest, like the times we danced together, or when in retaliation to Mido always calling me a boy, we replaced all his clothes with the most girly clothes we could, even learning how to sew just to make the clothes for the prank. A bright pink dress, with lots and lots of lace, pink shoes, socks, and headband too. We kept it up for over ten years, before we stopped when we saw it wasn't working. Another time we got water balloons from the Skull Kids, and filled them with mud, before launching them at Mido. Unfortunately things then changed to Kokori Village being overrun by Deku Baba's. And Mido meeting a man with evil eyes.

"Here you go," Mido said, giving him the Kokiri Emerald.

"Finally!" he said with an evil grin as he held the stone. "One step closer to victory."

He was about to leave when Mido called out. "Hey, you said if we gave you the Kokiri Emerald you could use its power to protect us."

"I lied," the man said before sending a blast of Magic that destroyed Mido, and his fairy.

He then snapped his fingers and multiple Wolfos appeared, and headed into the village only to return shortly after the rest of the male Kokiri, their fairies and Navi.

"This is what you get for delaying my victory!" he said coldly as the Wolfos ate the male Kokiri, while the Deku Baba ate their fairies, before he turned to Navi. "As for you, while that other fairy escaped you both belonged to the two who broke my curse. So I will be the one to finish you off."

He then tore off her wings, and crushed her under his boot, turning her into a stain.

With that we woke up, we looked at each other hoping it was just a dream, and not true. Looking around we saw the birds we had saved had returned and were sleeping with us. Though there was something strangely familiar about the bird sleeping with me and Saria, wings covering us like a mother. We all then woke up when we heard Link approach.

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