Chapter 1

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So, there are some days being me is awkward. Apparently, the day that all of this started, was one of those days. My name is Linkette, and I guess this is my story.

In the vast, deep forest of Hyrule, the Deku Tree has served as the guardian spirit.

The children of the forest, the Kokiri, live with the Tree, each with a guardian fairy.


There is one child who does not have a fairy...

I sat up that morning with a gasp, sweat having soaked my blankets. It was that dream again, with the girl in pink... and the man with evil eyes. And the storm. It was always raining in this particular dream... running my hand through my hair, I flopped back against my pillow... only to have a bright light shine in my eyes. Not only is it a light, but a little face within the light. It's a fairy. She grinned at me. "Linkette, wake up! The Deku Tree wants to talk to you! You're such a lazy girl! The world is supposed to depend on you?" Screaming, I bat the fairy away and fall out of bed. "You finally woke up! I'm Navi the fairy! The Great Deku Tree asked me to be your partner from now on! Nice to meet you!"

I untangled myself from my blankets, witch were wrapped around my legs, and pulled my hat over my auburn colored hair. "I have a fairy partner!" I said, a smile growing on my face, and tucking my feet under me while the little fairy flutters in front of my nose as I looked at her with my dark green eyes. With her hands on her hips, she continued talking to me without even registering that I had said anything. "The Great Deku Tree has summoned you! So let's get going, right now!" I sigh and stand up, then head to my balcony.

"Yoohoo! Linkette!" I looked over the edge and saw my girlfriend, Saria, running down the path to my tree. I grinned and waved back before sliding down my ladder to the ground. Racing up, I hugged the other girl tightly and gave her a kiss when Navi flew up. "Wow! A fairy! Finally, a fairy came to you, Linkette!" Saria exclaimed excitedly. "Wow! That's great news! I'm so happy for you! Now you're a true Kokiri, Linkette!"

I loved Saria. She was the one that helped everyone realize I was a girl. Except Mido, though I think he was just jealous Saria liked me not him. I opened my mouth to start saying something when Navi interrupted. "Linkette, we have to go to the Great Deku Tree!" she said, hitting me on the head by flying into it. I shot her a glare when Saria gasped slightly. "Is that right? The Great Deku Tree has summoned you? It's quite an honor to talk to the Great Deku Tree! I'll take you there! Let's go see the Great Deku Tree!" I smiled at her enthusiasm as she grabbed me by the hand and dragged me towards the Great Deku Tree's grove.

As we walked, one of the other Kokiri girls called out to us. "Hey Saria, Linkette! Look up here!" she called, waving from the top of the shop. I looked over at the shop, and Navi, and Saria's fairy Ember, flew over to the other fairy to say hi. I shook my head and looked at the Kokiri. "Now that's how to use a fairy! It's so great that you have a fairy now, Link!" I smiled as Navi and Ember finished up their business with the other fairy and flew back together to us. I suppose it was good that I had a fairy. Maybe Mido would leave me alone... doubt it.

Speaking of Mido, he was doing his usual "guarding" of the Great Deku Tree's meadow. We walked across the clearing and stood in front of him. "Mido, move," I told him, Navi having hid behind my head. Mido just stuck his fists on his hips, and sneered at me while smiling at Saria. "Hay, 'Mr. No Fairy!' What's your business with the Great Deku Tree? Without a fairy, you're not even a real man!" I was going to tell him again that I wasn't a boy, but Navi interupted by flying out from behind my head. "What? You've got a fairy?"

"Yes, Mido, Linkette has a fairy," Navi said, imitating his pose in mid-air as Saria was getting an eye tick. "And the Great Deku Tree summoned her!" She jabbed him in the nose. "Now move aside!"

Mido just blinked at my fairy in surprise. "Say what?" he said, his mouth hanging open like a fly trap. "WHAAAAAAAT? Why would he summon you and not the great Mido? This isn't funny..." he looked like he would go off and sulk and give me a chance to slip passed him into the meadow. But noooo, he just shook his head and stomped his feet on the ground a few times. "I don't believe it! You aren't even fully equipped yet! How do you think you're going to help the Great Deku tree without a weapon ready?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at him. "You don't have a weapon, Mido," I tell him in no uncertain terms. "How are you more equipped to help the Great Deku Tree than I am?" he worcked his mouth a few times, looking somewhat like the fish in the pond of the Lost Woods. "What? You're right. I don't have my equipment ready, but... if you want to pass through here," he said, putting his fists back on his hips, "you should at least get a weapon. Sheesh!"

I looked at him, sorely tempted to punch him right in his smug little face. 'Guardian of the Deku Tree' indeed! Flexing one hand, I sighed again and turned away. He wasn't worth it.

"Ohh... that bum! I don't know why he's always so mean to everyone!" Saria turned back to me, a strange smile on her face that made me nervous. She was always smiling when she was talking with me, even when I was angry for one reason or another, but that smile was just creepy. "What he said is true, though." Ohhh, I didn't want to here that, even if she was smiling. Stupid Mido... "The forest... strange things have been happening here lately... you need to be ready for anything. You better find a weapon! You can by a shield at the shop, but there is only one sword hidden somewhere in the forest, You find it. I have something I need to do."

"See you later then, Saria," I sighed, grabbing my fairy and stuffing her under my hat as we walk away. She apparently didn't like that, since she started yanking out hairs from my head. "Ow, stop that!" I cried, looking around the clearing for anywhere a sword might be. "Hidden in the forest? Well, should be fun.." I grumble, heading for the training ground. I had heard talk from some of the others that there was a secret hidden somewhere above the grounds, I just had had no reason to go looking for it. I suppose now is a good a time as any.

Navi came out of my hat and glared at me for a moment before flying ahead of me. I glared at her in return. "Don't give me that look," she said without looking back. "You're the one who stuffed me under your hat." I rolled my eyes at the fairy as she flew ahead of me. As if she knew where I was going, she headed right up for the training grounds.

A few minutes later, I got the chest with the sword, covered in dust, cobwebs, and a few bruises. I had just three questions on my mind as I dusted myself off. Why would someone put GIANT ROLLING ROCKS in the forest, how did they get in there, and why were they still rolling! I sighed, as I opened the chest knowing I was going to have to go back through there to get back. Unfortunately, when I opened the chest, the only thing there was a bow and arrow set, and a letter.

"To whoever needs the kokori sword," I read out loud. "Unfortunately while protecting the great Deku tree, I accidentally broke it. And have no idea how to fix it. Take this bow and arrow as compensation. Unless your Link. He should let one of the guard trap boulders squish him. Signed The Great Mido."

This made me angry, but I grabbed the bow and arrow, and headed back to Mido, when I heard a loud scream followed by every other female kokori in the village yell "And don't call Linkette a boy again!"

When I got there, I saw a crowd consisting of Saria, Fado, Nunio, Ririo, Musoa, Gufia, and Lihoi, the other 7 female Kokori, surrounding an unconscious Mido who had been beaten black and blue, with fist and foot shaped bruises and he was left on the ground.

"What happened here?" I asked, seeing Saria suddenly nervous.

"We told him that if he called you a boy again we would beat him up," Ririo said with a shrug, the other female kokori having become good friends after they realized I was a girl and spending some days just with other girls and no boys, they were the ones that helped me and Saria realize we loved each other as more than just best friends.

"Where'd you get the bow?" Lihoi asked, before they all scowled as they looked at Mido, after getting an explanation. "We'll deal with him, a bow should be a strong enough weapon to help you, so go on."

"I'll show you the way," Saria said grabbing my hand and walking to the great forest meadow.

"Thank you," I said as I shot a Deku Baba, "but you didn't need to do that."

"Your welcome, and I wanted to. You don't like being called a boy, and as your girlfriend I want you to be happy." Saria said with a smile, getting a smile back as we entered the meadow.

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