Chapter 4

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So, things got a bit complicated a few days after Saria, the other girls, and I got exiled from the Kokiri Forest by Mido and the other boys. First, we all learned that we had powers, then, we got sucked up by a portal because of a combined gathering of magic, and finally, to top it all off, we landed in a completely different timeline from our own. But we can't just let this land fend for itself, and so, yet again, Saria and I find ourselves helping someone find an old friend.

Me, Saria, Fado, Nunio, Ririo, Musoa, Gufia, and Lihoi were now kittens, and had spent the last couple of days getting used to it. Each of us discovering different abilities we could use.

I could turn into shadow or use the shadows to travel. Saria could become invisible when surrounded by plants, or go into one plant and come out another. Fado could breathe lightning. Nunio could shine bright enough to make it hard to see if you looked right at her when she did it. Ririo could breathe fire. Musoa could harden her body to block any attack. Gufia could breathe out blasts of air strong enough to send you flying. And Lihoi could paralyze you with just a scratch.

All of that was cool and everything, but ultimately we wanted to turn back to normal, especially since while we could move around and use our abilities, we had no idea how to get food as cats. So me and Saria tried to combine our magic to change us back. Unfortunately, we really shouldn't have done so while we were in the same area we had been transformed. It interacted with the previous magic, and created a hole in space and time that sucked us through.

When we fell through we noticed we were falling onto a person that looked like an older male Linkette, who was sitting on a bed looking sad.

"Oof!" he said as we landed on him and knocked him back to the bed.

"What are you? You look similar to Remlit's but aren't attacking despite the fact it is night," he asked after we got off him, and he got a good look at us, before sighing. "Never mind, it reminds me too much of Zelda right now."

Seeing him sad we decided to try to cheer him up, and instinctively cuddled up to him and started purring, something we didn't even know we could do.

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up, I'm Link by the way," he sighed, "It's just Zelda would have loved meeting new animals like you eight, but I failed to protect her from that black tornado, and now she and her loftwing are missing. And it is still night which means it is too dangerous to go look for her on my loftwing. I have to wait to morning to go look for her."

Seeing him like this made us look at each other and unanimously agree to go with him to find this Zelda. Though we are not sure what a loftwing was. Suddenly, we all turned to the door where we heard a strange voice that felt like it was calling Link, and we weren't going to let him go alone so we followed as he opened the door, and noticed some type of sword spirit beckoning us to follow.

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