Chapter 6

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Once we had introduced ourselves, Saria, Fado, Nunio, Ririo, Musoa, Gufia, Lihoi, and I explained to both Link and Fi about our situation and in turn, they asked us questions about wheee we came from and how we ended up in the forms we were currently in.

"The great Deku tree is our father," I said, getting over my shock. "The guardian deity of the Kokiri. The immortal children of the forest."

"At least he was," Saria sighed.

"What happened?" Link asked.

"An evil man from the desert cast a curse on him," I sighed.

"Me and Linkette tried to stop the curse, but was too late," Saria added, "the curse drained his energy until he could no longer remain outside of the divine realms."

"It's happened before," Fado said, "and he will eventually return as the Great Deku Sprout once his energy returns with the memories of his previous form, it will be awhile."

"Worse the males blamed Linkette, and Saria," Nunio said, "Mido always was jealous they are dating each other and not him. He even refused to call Linkette by her name, and always called her a boy. Even shortening her name to, ironically, Link. But when we females sided with them, knowing they would never harm The Great Deku Tree, they overpowered and banished us all using Mido's status as leader of the Kokiri."

"That stripped us of our protection," Ririo said, "and while Linkette, and Saria tried to protect us with their magic, it wasn't enough to protect us from the curse of the lost woods without either the divine protection, granted to us by the great Deku tree, or the blessing of the Kokiri granted to us as kokori we were changed."

"Luckily, it was enough to make it so that instead of becoming stalchildren, living skeleton children, we became cats with our own powers." Musoa said, before explaining our powers. "But we still wanted to get back to normal since we have no idea how to get food as cats, and so would starve. So we tried, only for the energy to open the portal that sent us here. Though we are not sure where here is."

"They are telling the truth," the sword spirit spoke from within the blade on Link's back so we could hear. "But the Great Deku Tree is still too young to manifest in the world, so that means they came back in time. Their home has a 78 percent chance to not exist at this point in time. However, there is a 100 percent chance that if they help you, the Goddesses will send them back and help them regain their former form. This is due not only to their abilities being helpful in your quest, but also because the one called Linkette has the same soul as you, meaning she is your reincarnation. And thus needed in her time to fulfill her own destiny."

"You used to be a guy?" Gufia laughed while I was shocked, only for Lihoi to use her paw to hit the back of Gufia's head.

"Be nice!" she said. "Reincarnation does not care about gender or even species. You might have been a male in your last life."

"Sorry," Gufia said, before looking up at Link. "We'll help."

With that every one made their way to get ready. Link went to change into better clothes for an adventure, while Fado, Nunio, Ririo, Musoa, Guffia, and Lihoi went to get supplies from the bazaar using a note and rupees Link gave them. Me and Saria were going to do that as well, before the others decided that after finding out I was Link's reincarnation, that I needed to take my mind off of it and ordered me and Saria to go on a date.

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