Chapter 3

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You see, this all came as a surprise to us. We thought we had saved the Deku Tree. But killing him? We never wanted to do that. Now we're being exiled from the forest by Mido, and only the other girls are on our side.

For so long, the Kokiri Forest, the source of life, has stood as a barrier

But before this evil, even my power is as nothing...

...I am dying.

Mido's words didn't quite register at first. So we looked up at the Great Deku Tree, whose bark had faded to a pale silver-grey, and his leaves were already falling. I recoiled in horror. "Killed... no, we saved him!" I cried out, facing the Kokiri gathered in the Great Deku Tree's glade. "There was a monster in the roots! It was feeding off him, draining him." My voice cracked with every angry or disappointed look I received. My friends, all of the male Kokiri I thought had my back, they turned their faces from our gaze, as me and Saria looked at each other and realized we were too late.

"Then explain why the Tree said his last words moments before you two walked out!" Mido cried, shoving me to the ground. "The Deku Baba's have been getting worse, and who knows what sort of monsters are coming out of the Lost Woods at night! You two have doomed all of us, you dolts! And you Saria, I can't believe i used to like you. You are just as bad as him." He turned away from us then, toward the other Kokiri children. "Is there anyone who would speak for Link and stand up for him?"

"I do." Fado spoke up. Nunio, Ririo, Musoa, Gufia, and Lihoi, agreeing. "They would never do something like that. It's more likely they tried to save him, but were too late."

"The Great Deku Tree would never ask someone like Link to save him." Miso scoffed. "That is guaranteed failure. I say we strip them of there protections and send them into the lost woods to become spirits."

"No way!" Nunio said as every female winced. "That is our absolute worst punishment. Failing doesn't deserve that."

"It led to the death of the Great Deku Tree!" Mido yelled. "It deserves it. Whose with me!"

This got the boys to agree, and rush to grab me and Saria. We fought back, with the other girls coming to our aid, but in the end, the boys overpowered us, due to me and Saria being tired from the fight, and the others being outnumbered by the boys. In the end the held us all, and dragged us into the forest where Mido and the other boys stood in front of us girls, as we were tied to tree stumps.

"Since you all sided with them, you can join there fate." Mido said. "I Mido, Leader of the Kokori name you traitors to Kokori kind, and strip you of the forests protection you enjoyed before."

With that they left as we were stripped of our protection, and felt pain as the forest curse eager to get us now that we were no longer protected, attacked, causing intense pain in its haste. I spread my magic, trying to protect us, and felt Saria next to me doing the same, but all it did was cause us to be turned into kittens instead of spirits, though it did free us from the ropes as we examined ourselves and realized:

I was my normal black kitten with streaks forest green and bright, piercing green eyes, while Ririo looked the same

Saria and Musoa were white kittens with streaks of forest green and icy blue eyes

Fado and Gufia were black-and-white kittens with streaks of forest green and bright yellow eyes

While Nunio and Lihoi were Calico withmstreaks of forest green and amber eyes.

We looked at each other only able to think to ourselves Now what?

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