As the sun inches above the horizon, the scarlet glow begins to recede. The penthouse, now devoid of the ephemeral energy, returns to a tranquil stillness. Petra, breathless and drained, gazes out of the window at the awakening city. The photograph, once suspended in the scarlet dance, gently lands on the floor. Petra, her eyes now devoid of the intense glow, stoops to pick it up. The faces frozen in time smile back at her—a reminder of a life that once was.

The city, a canvas of endless possibilities, stretches out before her. The approaching Aquarius season, with its promise of detachment and renewal, whispers a subtle invitation. Petra, caught between the past and the uncertain future, contemplates the significance of her 21st birthday. The day approaches, carrying with it the weight of memories and the potential for a new beginning. In the quiet before the storm, Petra, with scarlet eyes reflecting the dawning light, prepares to face the February 13th that lingers on the horizon.

The day unfolds like a scripted sequence, each moment calibrated to the rhythm of the on-set hustle. Petra moves through the scenes with a practiced ease, the scarlet glow in her eyes subdued, as if waiting for the curtain to rise on the impending act.

As the day wears on, the thought of her impending birthday hovers in the periphery of her consciousness. Despite her attempts to bury it beneath the demands of the shoot, the approaching February 13th casts a shadow over her routine.

During a break in filming, Alex approaches Petra with a warm smile, "Hey, Hexa. You up for a celebration? I heard it's your birthday soon. How about I buy you your first legal drink?"

Petra offers a small, appreciative smile but shakes her head, "Thanks, Alex, but I'm not much of a drinker. Plus, I've got a lot on my plate today."

Alex nods understandingly, "Alright. Let me know if you change your mind."

As Alex heads off, Petra slips away into the solitude of her dressing room. The walls are adorned with the relics of 'Twisted'—costumes, posters, and the script that guides her through the labyrinth of her character. It's a cocoon of familiarity in the midst of the chaotic production.

With the door closed, Petra retrieves her notepad, the same one she'd been doodling in earlier. The scarlet energy, always humming beneath the surface, takes form on the blank pages. Abstract lines intertwine with intricate patterns, a silent expression of the emotions she keeps at bay.

As the sun dips below the horizon, signaling the end of another day on set, Petra makes her way back to her suite. The penthouse, usually a haven from the world, feels different tonight. There's an unusual hush in the air, a subtle tension that escapes her initial notice.

The moment she steps into the suite, the lights flicker on, revealing a scene she hadn't anticipated. A cascade of voices erupts in a chorus of "Surprise!" as the room comes alive with the warmth of a surprise birthday party.

Petra's eyes widen in a mix of astonishment and discomfort. The penthouse, adorned with decorations and a table groaning under the weight of a birthday cake, seems to betray her aversion to the celebration.

The faces of her colleagues, caught in the glow of the lights, turn towards her. There's genuine warmth in their smiles, a camaraderie forged in the crucible of 'Twisted.' But Petra, caught off guard by the unexpected celebration, feels a twinge of vulnerability.

Alex steps forward, a sheepish grin on his face, "Surprise! It's your birthday! You can't avoid it forever."

Despite her initial hesitation, Petra offers a reluctant smile. She appreciates the gesture, the effort her colleagues put into making her feel special. But as her gaze sweeps the room, it lands on a figure that elicits a different response.

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