Chapter 14: Mount Glenn Part 2 And The White Fang.

Start from the beginning

Y/N: " that her weapon there?" he points at Crescent Rose which had been dropped nearby.

Blake: "I think she fell.."

Oobleck: "Fell?"

Weiss: "Down there!" She point at the hole.

Oobleck: He looks down at the hole and realised. "Oh my. Of course! Of course, OF COURSE, OF COURSE!"

Cassie: "What?"

Oobleck: "How could I have been so stupid!"

Aston: "Ah think he's lost his mynd oan th' wey 'ere."

Oobleck: "Mountain Glenn! Yes, an expansion of Vale that was inevitably destroyed by creatures of Grimm! Previously home to thousands of people! Working people commuting to the city, the main city! Developed a subway system to the inner city! Grimm attacks increased! Population in danger, now desperately searching for shelter! City evacuates into the metro tunnels and what do they find? The southeast quadrant of Vale is known for wild forests and deep caves!"

Lance: "...What?"

Oobleck: "My young man, we're not just looking for an underground crime network, we're looking for an UNDERGROUND crime network!"

Weiss: "In the caves? No wonder why we didn't see them.."

Oobleck: "No, no, Mountain Glenn was Vale's first serious attempt at expansion. It worked for a short period of time, thanks to an aggressive perimeter defense, and unique transportation; the city developed an elaborate subway system to carry citizens safely from the new territory into the main Kingdom! Sadly, without the many natural barriers Vale had to protect its borders, Mountain Glenn was doomed from the start! As the end drew near, the citizens of the territory made one last attempt at survival: They took up shelter beneath the city! In massive caves that they had cleared out for the subway. And they had cut themselves off from the surface!"

Yang: "An underground village?"

Oobleck: "In a matter of speaking, yes. A safe haven. Until... an explosion opened the mouth of another cavern, filled with subterranean Grimm. After that, the Kingdom officially sealed off the tunnels, creating the world's largest tomb. If Ruby is down there, we must find her..."

Y/N: "Then we should-" Yang then jumps in first. "...OH COME ON!"

-With Ruby-

Ruby: She found herself fighting White Fang members and found it really difficult, with out Crescent Rose, she could just use her semblance to outspeed them and make them hit themselves but she couldn't keep it up forever. 'How do Y/N and Yang do it?!' she then saw what seemed to be a cyborg Faunus with floating hands and armour that looked similar to Vera's. "What the?!"

???: "Hello there!" He then launches a hand at Ruby and grabs her cape, Ruby tried to get out but it was too late

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???: "Hello there!" He then launches a hand at Ruby and grabs her cape, Ruby tried to get out but it was too late. "I don't see what Roman was so worried about, you are not so fearsome."

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