He Placed his hand over mine.

So he's not telling me huh? I will make him.

I sighed. "Fine, I will wait. I am sorry, Engin. It's just that, you people have been avoiding it since the time when I was shot. I asked you too, back when you were carrying me to the bunker, but you didn't say anything. I am worried. It was my resposibility to make sure that no one is injured and we reach back safely. Unfortunately, I couldn't do it. I failed Engin."

"Wait wait wait, who said that you failed?"

"Well, back in the chopper, I could hear cries of soldiers, many of them were injured too, I don't even know how many were shot?"

"Don't worry, no one is dead, only minor injuries, and the mission..." He trailed off.

"The mission?" I asked.

"Right, you think I'll fall for that silly emotional trap of yours huh?. Serkan, when will you learn your lesson my boy?, I am not telling you anything until Major Gazi says so."


" Okay, Okay, Fine. You know what? Since you are not telling me anything, let's just change the topic."

"Right", he said. A slight smile on his mouth.

Atleast no one's dead.

"Okayy, so tell me, how's Peril? You marrying her anytime soon?

"I love you for this Serkan, you know how to uplift my mood. Now for your questions, Well, she's doing good and no I am not planning to propose her anytime soon."

"But you told me right before the mission, that you'll propose to her after we come back. Or was it just another committment you made out of anxiety, like you do before every mission?" I asked, with a wide grin on my face.

"Come on Serkan, you know me right? I get nervous before the final call of the mission and I tend to make false committments of proposing her?"

"Yeah, leave it, you'll die alone, motherfucker! Will you propose her on your deathbed?!"
I said, mocking him.

"Stop it!" He said, punching my right arm.

"Ouch! You're not supposed to hit me!" I said.

He became serious again. "I just don't know Serkan... What if she's not ready yet? I don't wanna force her."

Such a sweetheart he is...

"I can understand, Engin. It's pretty common to have such thoughts, I have been through it. The only key is communication, which probably I didn't get with Selin."
I put my hand on his shoulder, "Just talk to her okay, I know she feels the same for you. The love and affection you both have for each other is clearly visible in you two! Just don't stress over it, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks mate" he said with a warm smile. "Now let's not talk about me anymore, Atleast I have a girl dude, what about you huh? When are you getting over that bitch Selin?"

Selin... I just don't wanna talk about her.

"Let's not talk about her Engin, you know what I mean and, I am already over her." I said, clearly irritated.

"Oh, Then why are you still single? Why do you refuse to meet any girl? Why aren't you ready to go in a relationship again?" Engin said, challenging me.

This boy knows everything about me.

I fell silent after his words.

He's right.

"I have witnessed everything with you Serkan. From your first girlfriend to your worst breakup. I have seen you suffering enough already. Selin didn't deserve you and you know that very well, but that's okay. Move on. You don't even need to find any girls dude! Look at yourself, so many hot chicks are dying to be with you man!! And if not a serious relationship then go with one night stands, I have heard they work out pretty well for many relation frustrated men."

"yeah, right" I said, smirking.

"Don't play dumb with me Serkan. You think I forgot about your random meeting with that gorgeous girl Huh?" He said, smiling like a fool.

"Yeah, well about that, I have a confession to make."

He should know about Eda.

"Really man! Tell me" He said, excitedly.

"Okay, Her name is Eda Yildiz, and she's here."

"What do you mean she's here?"

"The nurse that is appointed for me, I mean the lady that was standing here a few minutes ago... It's her."


"Fuuuckk bro. That's why you were checking her out this whole time"


"No, of course not. I wasn't checking her out." I said.

"Man, you are one lucky guy. What? The stars with you my man!"

"Kind of. I never thought for her to be in army. She's too beautiful for that."

Way too beautiful...

"When did you see her here?"

"Back in the chopper. She was the one who bandaged me and gave me meds."

"So did you two talk?" He asked eagerly.

"No, she barely looked at me. I don't think she even remembers me."

That's the only sad part.

"Well that's a big problem brother. You two need to talk. I'll do this, I'll gather information about her, as much as I can and I'll come to you later. Till then, take care, and try talking to her, Okay? I have to go somewhere else." He said, and started to walk towards the door.

"Yeah, thanks Engin." I said.

"Fill me in with the details when I come back." And with that said, he finally left.

Now I was alone in my room.

I decided to read, so I grabbed the magazine that was on the side table besides my bed.

I need something to kill my time.

I started reading and after a while, I felt drowsy, so I kept the book at its place and decided to take some rest.

End Of Chapter 3

Hey guys, So this chapter was not that long, but I tried my best.
And, my book FLAWED HEARTS is very close to 200 reads!!!

A big thanks to all my dear readers.

Stay tuned for next one :)
Much love.

Flawed Hearts (EDSER AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt