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I woke up to the sound of beeping of machines and rustling of papers. I was feeling much better now. My body was a little sore and my shoulder was paining a little where I was shot, but I was used to it by now. My right arm was also bandaged, where the cut was.

God knows how many times I have been shot.

I don't know after how many hours or days I woke up, but it better not be too late. I checked my surroundings. Ofcourse I was in an army hospital, but what my eyes saw next was totally unexpected.
Eda Yildiz was standing in front of my bed, all clad up in her uniform. Her long locks of hair were tied in a neat bun on the back of her head. She had a notepad and a pen in her hands, probably writing something down.

Did my wish come true!???

In the corner of the room, I saw Engin, talking to Major Gazi Ersoy, who is also whom Engin and I report to. I Tried to call them, but I choked on my saliva, probably because I have been laying down for a long time and ended up coughing.

That must have cought everyone's attention. I tried sitting up and Eda came towards me and adjusted the pillows behind my back. I inhaled in her scent and immediately relaxed. Engin and Major Gazi also came towards me.

"Major", I said. My Voice still a little blur.

"Easy, Serkan", He said. "How are you now?"

"Better sir." I replied. "What's the status on our mission?"

His face suddenly became very tense. He looked at Engin and then again at me and then said,

"You don't need to worry about that right now, just focus on your recovery. I want you to be perfectly fine for our next mission. I have even requested Ms. Eda Yildiz to look after you personally. She's the best and I trust her completely." He said, motioning his hand towards Eda, who was standing a little far away from the end of my bed with her hands at her back.
She gave Major a slight nod in approval.

But I, was utterly confused. I am not that injured, neither it is my first time when I have been shot. I would be perfectly fine in just a few days.
Both Major and Engin were acting strange. They were not disclosing any information regarding the operation.

Engin must have looked the confusion at my face so he gave me a nod of his head. I decided to ask him after Major leaves.

"I'll take your leave now, Serkan. Take care." Major Gazi said with a serious look on his face and then left the room through the door.

You can say that I am dumbfounded.

Eda also left from there following Major Gazi leaving me with Engin, who was standing there, with his arms crossed over his chest. His Brows furrowed, and an uneasy expression on his face.

Something is seriously very wrong.

"Are you gonna tell me now?" I asked, Anger clearly audible in my voice.

"Calm down, Serkan".

"Don't tell me to FUCKING calm down Engin, just tell me what the heck is wrong!!"

His hands dropped from his chest, and a sad expression crossed his face. He sat near my bed and said,

"I can't Serkan, I have strict orders from Major to not give away any information regarding the mission to anyone".

"Well, I am not ANYONE!, I am the Captain, I am the one who led this mission. I have the right to know every Damn thing about it!. What is wrong with you!!?"

"I can't Serkan, You know I am your best buddy and major Gazi also knows that very well, but this is for your own good. We don't want you to stress about it at such a crucial time. Try to understand, please, this is for your own good. When the time will be right, I myself will come to tell you about it, Okay?"

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