This was Erwin who was sending the message, and despite the high mortality rate of the corps, the man was a gifted leader.

But something still bothered him; it was as if the air had changed. It wasn't for a lack of titans though. They had been few and far between less than twenty-four hours ago, but once the sun rose up, he could smell plenty of them not too far away. They were all moving elsewhere, however, and they hadn't had much trouble dealing with the occasional wandering titan that made its way to the long abandoned farm.

That said, given all their statistics on losses, the six wounded men lying inside the barn wouldn't make any taxpayers happy.

Most of the large titans that had appeared were quickly taken out by Mike; but at some point, two of the younger recruits had been closer and had attempted to take one out by themselves. The angle on one of the men had been off, and the creature bit into the man's leg. The only reason it didn't tear it clean off was his comrade who barely managed to switch gears in midair and hit the weak spot in the nape of the neck. The other four had been assisting him and had wounds varying from broken ribs to shattered legs.

Assuming they made it back, the men were looking at a sad existence for the next few years if they were lucky.

And these were light casualties…

"I have eyes on commander Erwin!" some older soldier called.

Mike turned to look at the hills. The commander and several others galloped on horses towards the farm.

"Mike! Have the men gathered the supplies?" the commander asked quickly.

"Just as you ordered, sir."

Erwin nodded, looking both excited and calm.

He then paused.

"Have there been any attacks by titans?"

"A few, sir, but there are no losses yet, just some injuries so far."

The man nodded, staring at the floor.

"How are the wounded?" Levi asked.

"Alive. All six are in the farm back there."

"Good enough. Everybody, gather around!" Erwin ordered a crowd quickly and efficiently forming around him.

He took a breath and from his horse began the announcement.

"Soldiers, we are moving to seal the wall in a few hours!"

"Wait, what? How?" a young recruit asked.

"Last night we made contact with a group of people that were not from here. Although they don't understand it themselves, a doorway has been opened to another world." Erwin stated simply.

Confusion rang among the corps.

Another world?



"These individuals have brought weapons and technology that could help us seal the wall with minimal risk to ourselves. The wall should be sealed hopefully by this time tomorrow."

"Um… commander, no offense, but this sounds too good to be true. Where exactly are these men?"

Erwin smiled.

"They… have a sense of humor." He said, firing a green flare into the blue sky.

Mike finally raised an eyebrow at that.

Levi shook his head. Knowing what was coming.

It took a minute, but the first thing they felt was a light rumbling, then they saw four beasts that were seemingly made of iron, with a large, swiveling turret that pointed straight like an arrow and seemed to move on its own, like an animal.

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