I don't heal

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I couldn't help myself, I was smiling like an idiot at the smaller one in my embrace, his ears had turned red out of embarrassment. But this talk had helped Kyungsoo relax more. I could feel the tension in his body getting lesser with every second that passed. And soon we continued watching TV.


Later that day...

POV. Kyungsoo

I was in the kitchen making myself something to eat. It took a long time but finally I could convince Sehun to let go of me. I felt like my whole body was numb, when I finally gained my freedom back. I smirked at  that thought, I was still watched carefully by the others, but to be fair I knew that if I tried to run, it wouldn't have any use. Every single member of this pack was faster, stronger and had better senses than me... even if they gave me an hour of a head-start, they would have caught me within half an hour. I sighted at this thought, why am I such a weak wolf? It's normal for omegas to be weaker than alphas or betas but since birth I was always the weakest, smallest and slowest out of the whole pack... Even my healing factor isn't really working, and it won't take long till they realize it. 

I sight in frustration, when I was suddenly pulled backwards in a big hug, surprised I squeaked a little bit, making the person behind me chuckle. „What's wrong? Did you miss me? Or did they tease you?", Chanyeol stated while pointing at the couch, where Sehun, Kai and Tao were still sitting. „No, everything is fine, I was just in my thoughts.", I replied quickly. „If someone was teasing another person it would have been him teasing us!", with that Tao earned confused looks by Chanyeol and the rest of the Pack, who were just entering through the front door. „What do you mean by that?", I heard the familiar dark voice of the leader. „Nothing really... He just tried to run away a few hours ago. But don't worry we caught him before he was able to leave our territory.", Tao stated calmly, with his eyes still glued to the TV. „He did what?", it came from different people all at once. All of the sudden I was terrified once again, when Luhan runs towards me:"You can't just leave! We didn't gave you permission to leave!", his tone of voice let me freeze, he seemed really upset. Instantly he noticed the change of body language and he calmed himself down. He was about to open his mouth again, when Xiumin slightly pushed him aside:" What Luhan meant to say, was that we really worry about you and we don't want anything bad happen to you. It's to dangerous for you to be on your own.", he hugged me tightly, which lead me to hiss out in pain. „You can't leave us! At least not as long you are still in pain.", Lay interfered the hug. „Speaking of the injury, we'll have to take a look at it soon to see how it is healing.", my eyes widened in surprise, „it's fine I can take care of it myself!", if they see how my wound hasn't really healed yet, they will be mad at me for not telling them the truth and they already are angry with me for running away. I don't want to make them even more annoyed with me. 

When I sorted my thoughts and finally came back to reality, I was met with several eye pairs looking at me in confusion. „What is it?", Suho asks calmly, „W-what i-is w-what?", I hate myself for my stutters, everytime I get intimidated or scared, I can't control them... „You and I both know you are not telling us something... So stop trying to lie to us and tell us the truth.", Baekhyun looks at me with big eyes full of expectations. „I-I...", I looked through the room and all eyes were on me making me even more uncomfortable. „How about this.", Kris broke the silence surrounding us, „Either you tell us now. What's the matter or we'll find it out eventually and be mad and disappointed at you...", with this he knew exactly that he's got me. But there is nothing much I can do... They will find it out eventually... I lowered my head, now looking at the  floor „Well I-I...", I stopped and took a deep breath, „I don't have the normal healing factor.", I mumbled. „What exactly do you mean by that?", Kris asked in confusion. „Well... This.", I said as I was getting rid of the plaster on my cheek, which was the only thing hiding the big cut beneath it. Lay looked at me in confusion, slowly stroking my cheek, „It looks nearly the same as when I was binding it a few days ago.", he said calmly. I only noded ashamed of myself. „Interisting, why is it like that?", Suho asks intrigued. „I don't actually know, why it is like that, the only thing I know is that it is like that since my birth... I've always been smaller, weaker and slower than the other children at my age... My wolf senses and reflexes are both terrible and my healing factor is barely any different from a human healing factor... In short I am a freak! And not worthy of being called a wolf...", I whispered the words I was told so often. With these words a single tear was rolling down my cheek. 

POV. Xiumin

This little boy was standing in front of us and in silence we were observing every single movement the smaller made. My heart felt like it was ripped into pieces. How can such an beautiful little wolf think this bad of himself. Just the thought of what he had to go through, to belittle himself this much, made me full of anger. I really don't know him at all but I feel responsible for him. And the fact that he is not able to heal as fast as the rest of us, filled me even more with the urge to protect him from all the evil of this world.

I sorted my thoughts, which took a lot of time but when I was finally able to re-enter reality. I in an instance walked over towards Kyungsoo. I took him in an embrace and whispered into his ear: "Don't worry I'll take care of you. And I'll teach you to see yourself as the beautiful little wolf you are." While saying this I stroke His back in an attempt to calm him down. "Xiumin ist right!", Chen was the second person after me to find his voice again, "You are such an beautiful wolf and everyone who says otherwise has to be blind!", Chen smiled at the younger one and I slowly let go of him, when I could feel him struggling in my embrace. "It's okay, you don't have to act nice towards me I know that I am a disgrace for our species.", He smiled weakly towards us and once again my heart was shattering into at least a million pieces. How could a creature this pure and sweet think of himself like this.

I was about to open my mouth once again, when I was beat to it. "I don't know what you have gone through to have such a wrong picture of yourself...", Baekhyun said with a calm and steady voice, then he raised it and continued, "but I do know that when these people will ever even look at you again, I will make them suffer for everything they ever said and did to you and when they are on their knees begging for mercy, I will kill them."

Kyungsoos eyes widened, when he realized what Baekhyun just said, but he was the only one surprised by this outrage, because deep down we all felt exactly the same way.

„Kyungsoo...", the dark and calm voice of our leader broke through the silence that had formed once again, „...I don't want you to ever say something like that again to yourself. We've only met you a few days ago but still... It was enough time for us to realize that you are a beautiful wolf. You've gone through a lot even though you are still just a child, and it makes me angry...", he took a deep breath, „...To be sincere with you I don't know why your healing factor and your body is weaker than normally, but I do know that it doesn't mean you are weak. In fact you are one of the strongest wolves I've ever met, as much as I dislike it your attempt to escape is a prove of this... You tried to run away into the forrest, even though there are many threats and you are still injured, just to protect us... I don't know about you but for me this shows a lot of bravery.", with that Kris put his hand on Kyungsoos shoulder and giving him a little smile. „Now... Lay would you be so nice and take care of Kyungsoos wound? And after that you should get some rest Kyungsoo!", Kris said commanding.

„As soon as Lay is back, we need to have a talk... All of us!", Kris said as soon as Lay and Kyungsoo had left.


1568 Words 

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